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"Slate" corns now?


I'm talkin' to YOU.
Apparently there is somebody selling something called "Slate" corns as "Anery type C" corns. From reading the description of the ad, it doesn't sound like these anerys have been tested against any other anerys, and it doesn't look like they're Z's... Anybody else know anything about these critters?


Yah... that was my initial reaction. I sent an email off to the breeder to see if he has any evidence that it's otherwise.

I asked a question about the breeder earlier this year. He was selling something as a gold dust, when it was really a ultramel or something like that, i do not remember exactly. He never did give me good answers, be prepared to have to jump through hoops with him. i saw the ad last night as well, and thought they were just wc/ch/f1 anery As. No need for such a price. They would be good however to use to breed to some anery morphs, for a little heterozygosity, just no need for the price he has them listed at.
I dont have the book in front of me right now, but doesn't Kathy's book saw that anery origionally came from near Miami, and that there are quite a few wild anery corns in the area?
I saw this, as well. It looks like every adult type a I've ever had......only muddier :grin01: .

Chris Olson
He never did give me good answers, be prepared to have to jump through hoops with him.

Don't misunderstand me, I have no intention of buying any of these corns... I'm more interested in finding out if the label is deserving or not, and calling attention to it either way. (I suspect not, but ya never know... I called JoeP on the Ice corns, and he proved to have his ducks in a row.) At the very least, I don't think they should be called Anery C... But it would be nice to rule out Anery D as well.

Looks like Mike was right. I asked him about what test crosses were done, and whether he knew the critters were actually Anery C's to begin with... and this is all I got in response:

I have posted the pictures and story behind the snakes.

Steve Bostwick

Which means he didn't test them for any form of anery, just bred two snakes and got something different from the parents and decided that people would pay big bucks for them. Boo hiss.

Kat said:
Don't misunderstand me, I have no intention of buying any of these corns... I'm more interested in finding out if the label is deserving or not, and calling attention to it either way. (I suspect not, but ya never know... I called JoeP on the Ice corns, and he proved to have his ducks in a row.) At the very least, I don't think they should be called Anery C... But it would be nice to rule out Anery D as well.

Not at all, it is just hard to get good information out of the guy, thats all.

SevierSerpents said:
There should be a "report 'look what I'm trying to pass off' button" on KS.


Ditto, except you could use it for almost every ball python ad on there.
Those adults are definitely not Anery C's aka Z's. Man, I guess that is one name I can stratch off the list. :rolleyes:
And here I thought I was going to pick up some C's at a good price! :crazy02:

My question to him:

> Hi,
> I am very interested in your Anery 'C' corns but first want to know how
> you have proven they are a new line of anery. Have you bred the adults to
> Anery A and Anery B (Charcoal)?
> Thanks for the info,
> -Jeff

His response:

I have posted the pictures and story behind the snakes.

Steve Bostwick

Here is the 'story' behind the snakes for those who care:

In March of 2002 I traveled to Strickly Reptiles in Miami with the purpose of aquiring classic wild caught Miami phase corns. I bought two pairs with the most amount of red and gray contrast. In 2003 I got all wild type Miami babies. In 2004 from one pair I got 1 male slate hatchling which I kept. In 2005 I got 3 females which I also kept.

This year I have hatched 1.2 Slates from the original adult wild caught pair, which will be the first ones I will sell. The trio is $450.00 shipped to your door.

I also have traditional Miami phase siblings available for $25.00 ea. plus shipping.

Photos are of one of the babies for sale and of the 1st male at 2-years-old.

I see NO mention of breeding to the other anerys to prove whether it is a new anery. So, basically, he ignored my question and thinks the ad speaks for itself. Hope someone doesn't buy them thinking they are really a new gene only to find out down the road they may not be.
Sounds like you got the same brush off I did... Guess this guy's discovered the copy/paste function.

But anyway, it seems like he's trying to brush off anybody who's not willing to fall for his scam until he can find a sucker willing to pay his price.

mike17l said:
Ditto, except you could use it for almost every ball python ad on there.

Yeah, tell me about it. Good luck finding an axanthic on there that's truly an axanthic. Almost every one I've seen on there is really a normal. Now if they can prove the line, like if it's a VPI line especially, then you can really tell it's an axanthic. I would LOVE to find a great deal on a BP morph, but if it means paying extra to make sure I get what I'm paying for, I'll only buy from reputable breeders. Sort of off topic, sorry.