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SLATE the N.M. W/C Millipede (PHOTOS)


Lovin' My Snakes!
A few of you have asked about "Slate" my rescue millipede, so I wanted to give Slate a place of his/her own.

I found Slate near the faucet to the backyard hose this past fall. Slate was right near our wild bird 'food court' and I'd never seen a millipede in all the years we've been in N.M., so I didn't want him to get eaten. I decided to rescue him (I think he's a him), give him shelter, safety and food over the winter, and then release him in the Spring.

He's a cute little bug...only about 2 inches.

I hope you enjoy!


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Nice shots! What a cute little thing. It'll be cool to observe his behavior as well. What does his set up look like?
... creeps me out... too many legs, that's why I stick to snakes. But it is cool, I will admit that.
He's a cutie. I don't know much about millipedes, so I hope he over-Winters well with you, and is healthy, happy, and ready for the great outdoors come Spring.
Millipedes are some of my favourite invertebrates. Slate is adorable. I've been enamored with the idea of keeping one since I saw a giant millipede at a pet store, but I rarely see them for sale anymore.
Very cute! I had a pair when I was a kid. They live here in Florida, but you never see them unless it has rained. And then you have to be in a place they live; they aren't found everywhere.

I love millipedes, it's _centipedes_ that give me the creeps!!
Thanks everyone!

Slate is over-Wintering in a salad bin. I did some reading when I first brought him in and he's been extremely easy to care for. Humidity is needed to avoid dessication. Feeding is super simple as he (can and does) eat dirt. Milli's like decaying food stuffs, so I keep a bit of cucumber, potato, and a spinach leaf in his water bowl (a clamshell). I've actually seen him drinking! He's nocturnal and stays underground in the day. Sometimes I catch him perusing at night, but not so much since it's gotten colder.

His only defense mechanism is to first, coil up tightly...and if further annoyed, secrets a reddish liquid that (apparently) tastes pretty nasty because it's a form of cyanide. He's never done it to me...only the Mister, lol.

I've seen those ginormous milli's for sale online and those kind of freak me out...I like my snakes much better. But Slate is so tiny...he's cool.

Jessicat, you asked, I'm delivering...here's a pix of his set-up without the lid. Clamshell water dish, a rock and a climbing branch on top of an inch of soil.


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Centipedes really creep me out, but are cool to watch eat, I think of them as something devilish.