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Slightly Confused


New member
Hi All! Yesterday Molly was very antisocial. She hid in her tree for half the day and then came out only to go hide in her coconut. I attempted to pick her up when I saw her come out of the tree but she did the little puff/hiss thing she did last time she was in shed so I stopped trying to get her. It isn't like her to be so lazy and afraid unless she was in shed. I decided to skip her feeding and just leave her be until she sheds. Now this morning she is cruising all over her tank and trying to climb out like usual. Is it possible she was just moody yesterday? Or is she probably in shed, just active today?
If she is going to shed then it's normal. During the three phases of Ecdysis the first and third is when the snake feels the most vulnerable. They can become agitated.
When was the last time she shed?
Her last shed was 11/25/15. I usually hold her at least once a day unless its the 48 hours after feeding. Yesterday was the first time since her first shed that she hasn't come out all day. That's what made me think it was shed related. Could this be the beginning of phase 1, then? Because I haven't seen her eyes cloud over at all yet either.
Yes it can be the start of the first phase. With some snakes it is easy to miss especially with Amel + morphs.
Even snakes have their "grumpy" days. :)
I shouldn't try to hold or feed her at all during any of the phases, correct? Also, here are some photos.

First 2 are immediately post shed on 11/25.

Second 2 are her yesterday and this morning.


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Dark morphs like her are pretty easy to see the "blue" phase. A reference to the eye color during the first phase. She does not appear to be "in blue". You can hold her until you see that change.
Not to critique your setup but.....
Is that the thermometer sensor suctioned cupped on the right side? If so slide it down close to the substrate where the snake spends her time. :)
Thanks for the info. Would you recommend skipping feeding in any case this week, blue or not? I will attempt to hold her again tonight and see if she gets fussy.

That is the thermometer for the cool side. I wasn't sure if it needed to be on the glass or getting the air.

I have the hot side thermometer glued down to the glass under the aspen to measure the heat mat, and the probe for the thermostat glued right next to it. She's already began pulling up the glued one though, so I have to find another way to secure it before she completely takes it off, lol. :)
The cool side thermometer sensor probe should be just above the bedding "getting the air".

I would stick to your feeding schedule since there really hasn't been a definitive sign of the shedding process yet.
Still haven't been able to get her out for feeding. She hid in her smallest hide when I got home from work Monday. Then she was out all day exploring while my boyfriend was home but shortly before I got home she went into her smallest hide again and wouldn't come out. I can't pull her out from there without hurting or scaring her because of the angles and tight space. This morning I opened the door to her closet and she's stretched out laying by the front of the glass sleeping. Does she know enough to be avoiding me?

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In a word, yes she does! Maybe not you personally, but she knows how to avoid contact. It's a very strong survival instinct.
I guess it just concerns me because since her first week she hasn't actually been avoiding me until now. She has always been exploring and bopping around her tank. She usually comes to the door when I open it on the side. She even started to come out onto my hands directly from her tank when I open the door. It was just weird for the last couple of days, like she was acting out of character. I assumed it was shed related but she was exploring again this morning. I finally got her out this morning for a minute. Just held her in my hands after a lot of coaxing. I didn't have time to try to feed before work, though. I will attempt again tonight. She still hasn't gone blue or anything so I'd like her to eat if she will. Maybe she's just been in a mood the last couple days and knew if she was out I'd come get her. I've only had her a month, but she's been on the same schedule for 3 weeks and always loved coming out of her tank. It's very much in my nature to worry so I just had to check.
They change as they grow. They change with the seasons. They change all the time. Just be patient and gentle. Do check her over for anything visible and observe. Also check your temps, humidity and lighting period. You mentioned she's in a closet. She does need a day night light cycle. Most of us with snakes in otherwise dark rooms put our lights on timers. Changes in behavior may signal something and they may not. I do use them as an opportunity to check for problems, especially in husbandry.
I have 2 timers set up, one with a day lamp and one with a night lamp that cycle every 12 hours. The night one is that red night reptile bulb, very low wattage so it doesn't dry out the tank because she already has the heat from the UTH. The day light is just a lamp that lights up the whole closet. I only shut the door when I am gone so my cat doesn't get any ideas, but it's open otherwise. Should I adjust the times for the season? Maybe 12/12 is not accurate at this point?

Her temps are 83-85 (controlled with a thermostat so it kicks on at 82 and heats until 86 and then resets) on the hot side and 73 on the cool side. Hides on both sides. Water bowl in the middle. Humidity was at 52% this morning. Is that all alright?
You can do it either way, though personally when I needed extra light, I updated with the seasons once a month.

Your day light sounds fine. I'm no expert on the red light. I don't use them. Mine are in my bedroom and I have a ceiling light on a dimmer I can briefly turn on if I need to, but I try to give my snakes total darkness after 10 or 11 pm until day break. There is a faint red glow from the thermostats, but they aren't aimed into the vivs, they are below them facing out. I've read that red bulbs don't disturb the snake and I've read that they do. The only reason for the red light that I know of is for you to view. I hope someone can expand on that.

Temps, humidity, hides and water sound fine to me. Just keep observing. That's what we all do anyway-- observe and "learn" our snakes.
I will just take it day by day then and she how we do tonight. If she eats, great. If not, she's still grumpy.

Thanks for the light tip. I read both as well, but I do only use it so I can see her because I live in a basement. Basement dark is DARK. Lol. ;)

On a side note, I know all of them may grow at different rates, but should the snake be gaining a small amount of weight each week when they are young, or does the weight not usually come on that quickly? I only wonder because she's been 19g for 4 weeks (that I know of, not sure what she weighed at the store.) Trying not to automatically worry, but as she is my first snake I have 0 previous knowledge aside from what I read online and learn from her myself. :)
Also, I appreciate all of your answers to my questions. Thanks to everyone else here who has answered my questions as well. I know it probably gets annoying getting all these noob questions, but I gotta ask someone or I wouldn't know.
I just looked at the records for Cleo's first month. The weights taken every 5 days before feeding including a break for shed and acclimation are in grams 14, 13, 13, 15, 15. I didn't start weighing Dolly until I had him three weeks but his first month's weights that I took are 13, 13, 14, 13, 13, 14, 15. So as you can see there was very little gain at first and even at times a bit of loss. As long as they were eating, pooping and otherwise what I saw as normal I didn't sweat it. She may start to gain a bit now that she has explored all the nooks and crannies and is hiding more!

The other factor is how much are you feeding her and how often? At 19 grams I'm feeding one large or two small pinks every five days except in shed. The total meal sizes vary slightly but range from 3.5 to 4.5 grams. (I spent the $6 to get a scale that will weigh the smaller pinks).
I was feeding every 7 days, 2 pinkies but didn't weigh them until last week. Last week she ate after 6 days, 2 pinkies that totaled 4g (in the plastic bag) so more like 3g.

All of the ones I get from the store seem to be really small so I was going to ask if feeding 3 of them is better if they are smaller to get the right weight. I don't get many big ones at all, it seems. The packages of 6 I have been buying from PetSmart are all pretty small. I can take a photo later.

I was only doing 7 days because that's what the store did, but advice here said I could move her closer to the Munson feeding scale and go down to 6 days, but to make changes gradually. I ultimately wanted to get to every 5 days until she moved up on the feed scale, but she is at 8 days now since she was supposed to eat Monday but wouldn't come out Monday or Tuesday.
Yes, the PetSmart ones are usually about 2 grams each, so at this point 2 would be appropriate. Then at 25+ grams you can move her to 5 gram fuzzies. Feed her a couple of times at 6 and then move to 5 days. I change to 6 days when I get to 7+ gram fuzzies.

With weekly feedings very slow gain is normal. Always it is your judgement call and instinct as to what interval and prey size is best for your snake. Best wishes!
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Your snake is probably moving around in her tank when you're not looking. Avoiding human contact is fairly normal for snakes, especially hatchlings. Over handling can stress babies out. As your snake grows with frequent (yet not over bearing) handling s/he will get more comfortable with you and settle down.

Just give it time (and food :p ) ! :cheers: