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Smoking makes you cool like snakes.

I heard about him on the radio yesterday! My radio station has all the reptile news...
That's definitely a Beauty snake. The head shape is completely wrong for a viper.

Oh, and that snake is so NOT cool for smoking. Lol.
To think, I took up smoking 62 years ago to look cool, and that snake looks 1000x cooler than I ever have. It doesn't seem fair. I hope he gets cancer AND crypto.
It reminded me of this macro:

Before anyone goes crazy- They're both fake guys!

Anyway, lol.

I think it kind of goes without saying, lol. Anyone here who owns a snake knows they can't smoke, and seeings as how this is a corn snake board...yeah.

I mean, I've never smoked a cigarette but I challenge anyone to use a straw, inhaling normally, without using their lips. Can't form a seal, nothing is going to happen. Science!
My sister had a dog that smoked. She would hover around the ashtray and lick the smoke out of the air. It was sick. The bad kind of sick. They didn't do anything to encourage her.