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Hiss Baby, Hissss
Well, I've got the set up for my snake and everything in my room. I'm going to go pick out my snake on monday from the breeder. (Yay!) But yes, I had a question.

See, I'm a heavy smoker. My snakes set up is in my room. The snakes cage is located over six feet away from my computer desk. (Where I smoke.) I have really good ventilation in my room, I have my door open at all times and I have a fan sitting on my desk so the air in the room is flowing all day.

I suppose my question is: Will it hurt the snake if I smoke in the room? I've never had a snake before and I'm worried that I might inadvertantly harm my animal with my own bad habit.

But yes, *G* thanks in advance for your advice!

It could only do the snake harm, it isn't exactly going to do it good. If you keep the room extremely well ventilated then I couldn't really see a problem. But as there is always air moving there's always a cigarette burning so there would, i suppose be a steady, constant supply of it (smoke). I don't really think your snake would really appreciate second hand smoke but there's no law against it.

This post should have been about the health problems for you and how to stop; problem solved. Or, you could try to stop or cut down in the computer room :)


I had a similar problem so i moved my pc into the living room, and stoped smoking in my room, to minamise the risk to my snakes and other animals. I have also cut down to less then 10 a day now and am revving up to stop (again) on new years day.
Thank you guys both for the replies. I don't really have anyplace else to put my computer, so I suppose I'll just have try not to smoke in here so much anymore. (Which will definatly help me cut down since I do 90% of my smoking in here.) But yes. I just wanted to make sure there'd be no violent reactions, I already planned on cutting down in here anyway. But knowing me I'll end up forgetting at some point and lighting up. :rolleyes: But thanks.
i still do now after 6 years of having the pc downstairs, (not the same pc) but f i bring someone home ect and they can handle the snakes "watching" i have 1 or 2 then. I also started opening my window during the winter for at least 30 mins a day and 24 hours during the summer (3 out of 4 of us smoke and i smoke a pipe now most of the time).

now this is an interesting topic, i have all 4 of my little ones in their own viv's at the end of my bed, i too am a very heavy smoker. i have always had them in my bedroom as my mum hates them and is terrified of them, so there is nowhere else to put them, but this has never crossed my mind before, it certainly makes sense though, second hand smoke is a killer, more so to non smokers so i suppose it would be the same for my snakies, wouldnt it?

should i stop smoking altogether then in my room? unless i smoke by the window, it takes my room a while to heat up and its quite a big room, its 17 foot by 12 foot, so i dont have windows open and my door is shut most of the time as my cat tends to urinate in there, lol, so yeah, back to my question, do you think its best to stop smoking altogether in their or just to smoke by an open window?

Honestly, snakes in general already seem to be quite prone to respiratory infections (RI). Stress is enough to induce an RI, so we try to minimize that as much as possible by reducing the dustiness of our substrates, providing adequate ventilation, and appropriate humidities.

Cigarette smoke can be a huge irritant to the lungs, just like it can be in people. I know that if I am in a building with smokers, I spend the entire time with an itchy throat, coughing, eyes watering, and nose running. I'm more sensitive to it than most and have sensitive eyes anyway, but that's a reaction in a perfectly healthy human just being around smoke. We count on our immune systems to surround the smoke particles and then ride the mucociliary apparatus (the little "mucous escalator) up our tracheas to have us either swallow the mucous containing the smoke or cough it out. Smoke puts a tremendous workload on our natural defenses and susceptible people and animals can get stressed enough by it to affect their health.

Snakes have the added bonus of not having a mucociliary apparatus. They don't have those little cells bringing the mucous up out of their lungs like we do. This is why it is recommended for a snake with an RI to have plenty of things to climb on, they have to rely on getting their bodies elevated and hanging their heads to let the crud come up out of their lung by gravity. That's also why you see snakes with severe RI's slinging their heads back and forth trying to expel the mucous and pus. (Which in itself is quite distressing to watch and is generally a bad sign.) These guys just don't have a good setup for respiration to begin with, they can't take a lot of added stressors, it's best to minimize the irritation and workload on their respiratory system by smoking elsewhere. Remember, they don't have the option of getting up and walking out of the room.
Missy i would highly recomend not smoking in the same room as the snake's, but it's your choice, (it's hard i know, i am a smoker and know how easy it is to forget you have a cigerette in your hand).

I agree Hurley, we can cough it up when we have chest infections and worse, but it's not as easy for a snake to bring it up. Mine havent had an RI touch wood, and i would hate for them to, especially if it was part (or mostley) my fault for smoking, and i would never fogive myself if anything happens to any of my snakes.
cornman1979 said:
Missy i would highly recomend not smoking in the same room as the snake's, but it's your choice, (it's hard i know, i am a smoker and know how easy it is to forget you have a cigerette in your hand).

thank you very much hurley and cornman1979, i never ever realised this and have had corns for years in my room, ooh, i wouldnt even like to think of how much damage i have already caused them, mine too have never had an RI (touch wood) and i hope they never do. from now on i am no longer going to smoke in my room, hmmm, its gonna be hard as i live in there, lol, but i will do it for my little snakies. well, hopefully me, my dad, my sister and her fiance are all gonna quit soon, so then we will all be better and healthier.
thanx again for your replies.
Think of the ammount of second hand smoke going to your snake's lungs. Way more of a problem than humans, and that's something. Think of the size difference. It's like the effectiveness of your snake smoking as many cigarettes as you or more. I think it's sick that you people will torture a creature beyond it's will by gassing it every day leading to a slow and painful death for the snake, unfortunately (and you- I wish it got rid of you quicker). Especially when you breathe smoke all over me when I go out for a meal etc. Invading MY air space, KILLING ME AND YOU. Not to mention YOUR snake at home. Your pet that you "LOVE" but insist on torturing it to death. :sobstory:

I think my point is clear.
Hey Felix, take it easy. Nice you wish all the smokers dead. Real Christmas Spirit there. Now, why don't you take a look at how they had to "cook the books" to find second-hand smoke is harmful. Check the research, not what everybody "knows." Maybe start here: Straight Dope Article. Have a pleasant day.
I am quitting myself starting today, (had 1 so far) which is good cause i've been up since 7am and it's now 2 pm, so touch wood i can make it this time.
I am going to keep smoking the pipe but only on an evening after i finish dealing with the snake, but i pla on stopping this as well when i have comleatly quit cigerettes.

Good luck to those trying to quit, and good luck missy with stopping smoking in your room.
Good luck on quitting, Cornman. I used the patch to quit almost 10 months ago. I really feel better, except for a few pounds, but one thing at a time. I normally would not boost another website here, but Quitnet was a great help to me. Lots of information and encouragement. Sorry if this not appropriate.
thanks for the site, i need as much support as possable, been smoking now for 13 years and it is so hard to stop, last time i quit for 9 monthe's and started again, so i know i can go that long at least, fingers crossed for a permanant quit this time.
ha! "i am quitting...

myself starting today." oi...i've heard that one before and i've said it numerous times. i smoke...i have a studio apartment...if i smoke in my apartment i'm smoking in the room where my snakes live because i only have one room. after getting my hatchling i made an effort to smoke outside and to wash my hands thoroughly before handling either snake if i had just had a cigarette recently. smoke can definitely effect the health of your snake, no doubt in my mind, but i didn't always worry about it, but now i do. just go outside if you need to smoke, it's cold as hell here in the winter, but by forcing myself outside i end up taking three or four pulls and flicking it away because i can't handle the cold, i smoke less. if you're gonna smoke in the room open the window and send the smoke out when you exhale. good luck quitting.

i've got a sweet tooth for licorise drops and jelly rolls, hey sugar daddy, hansel needs some sugar in his bowl. i'll lay out fine china on the linen and polish up the chrome, if you got some sugar for me, sugar daddy bring it home.
Felix the snake said:
Think of the ammount of second hand smoke going to your snake's lungs. Way more of a problem than humans, and that's something. Think of the size difference. It's like the effectiveness of your snake smoking as many cigarettes as you or more. I think it's sick that you people will torture a creature beyond it's will by gassing it every day leading to a slow and painful death for the snake, unfortunately (and you- I wish it got rid of you quicker). Especially when you breathe smoke all over me when I go out for a meal etc. Invading MY air space, KILLING ME AND YOU. Not to mention YOUR snake at home. Your pet that you "LOVE" but insist on torturing it to death. :sobstory:

I think my point is clear.

okay felix, yes i know, you certainly have made your point clear to me thats for sure, i honestly did not even think of my little snakies, and yes i do "love" them to pieces, they are my pride and joy, time now here is 1700 and i havent had not one cigarette in my room today! yay!
honestly though, like i stated in my last post, i do not even want to think of how much damage i have done already to their little bodies, i am not proud of smoking i really aint, and if i could turn back time i would never have started smoking in the first place.
i have atempted to stop twice now and twice i have failed but you know what they say "third times the charm". :) and this time i WILL do it, WILLPOWER!
true love...

doesn't expect love in return (at least not from unaffectionate creatures who think you're a tree) and true love smokes outside. you probably stunted their growth!!!
Wow, seeing something like this really shows you how many people smoke. I'm glad I've not been roped into the habit, it's usually at a young age. Good luck with giving up, not that luck will help......
I smoke...
I NEVER smoke in my house.
I stand out in the cold and smoke. (The wind chills last week were 25 below)
I did this originally for my children (I will NOT smoke inside by my kids)...but I will continue it for my pets as well.