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Snake ate rotten mouse!!!!!!!


New member
Hey everybody my corn jus ate a mouse that has been sitting in the cage for a couple days and I need to know if he is going to get sick or die. Before you all think I just neglected the fact that the mouse was sitting in there that long thats not the case. I just got kicked out my house and had to leave the snake there until I could find another place to live. So my sister was takin care of it and I don't know why she would leave the mouse in there that long but she did???He ate it so any info on what might possibly happen would really help. I'm really concerned about the health of my snake.
There's not much you can do but wait. The snake may regurge the mouse, or the snake may digest it but end up with an overload of bad bacteria, or the snake may digest it with no ill effects. I'm guessing that the snake would probably have refused the mouse altogether if it was dangerously decomposed, but that's just a guess. Good luck!
666killademon said:
Thanks for the response Roy, I'm going to wait and see but I'm worried it could be fatal. Is that possible?
I'm not going to say it's impossible, but I think it's unlikely to be fatal.

I doubt if it will have any serious effect on a healthy snake.

As Roy has said, if the mouse was that badly decomposed it is unlikely that the snake would eat it.

Snakes in the wild will (and do) eat dead animals that they happen to find.

Obviously it is better to offer freshly thawed mice but I don't think this one off will be a problem.

Let us know how he gets on.

Bye for now,
