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Snake Computer Lessons


3yrs married,3yr Marine
Addison got the wrong idea about "mouse", and I don't know where she learned how to type:shrugs:


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You haven't mentioned that she needs actual limbs, much less digits, to type, right? I've heard snakes can be a bit touchy about that subject. :p
Zee's sending her a text message!!


I think it's just the granularity of the photo itself. Unless the keyboard had a bad shed, too.

No, it definitely looks like there is some loose skin in the picture without the keyboard.

These pictures are so cute, despite the Ball's poor shedding condition...
My friend and I used to wonder what our cats would say to each other if they could use the keyboard. We thought i'd be "meow meow meoooow meeeeowwww"

I found my cat laying on my keyboard one day, and t was something more along the lines of "ttakkddddeeaaa++++++++++++++llll543aaaaaaaaaoineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk;addddddddd+++++++++++====="
Don't ask how my cat can use the shift key. :eek::shrugs:
Ive seen enough ball pythons shed like that, it might be shedding fine.

My snakes actually touch some of the buttons on my laptop beacause they are like "touchpad buttons" lol.
Ive seen enough ball pythons shed like that, it might be shedding fine.

WHAT!!!! IT is not shedding fine. I have three ball pythons right now, and not one sheds like that. The viv is just to dry. I'm sure the snake will be fine once the husbandry methods are corrected.
She is still shedding, it's been like 2 weeks now, but from her neck to about 1/4 way down hasn't shed don't no why? never happened before.

Temp stays between 75 and 90 depending on time of day, and humidity is between 70-80% depending on time of day