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Snake defication


New member
how often does a snake poo mine hasn't since i got him a week ago and he is digesting his meals fine? Whats up wit that and also do they urinate
Most corns defecate within three or four days after a meal if their enclosure temps are good. But sometimes it takes longer. It varies depending on the snake too. I have a few snakes that are on 7-day feeding schedules that almost always crap in their feeding tub after eating. Also keep in mind that there isn't always a 1:1 ratio of feeding to defecating. A snake may crap a couple of times off the same meal.

Snakes don't urinate. They expel their urate waste as a solid (usually somewhat moist though). This is the white stuff you see in snake waste. It's the same with birds.
when i got my snake a week ago (tuesday) it ate the same day and now i feed him on monday still no stool its not a problem is it
666killademon said:
when i got my snake a week ago (tuesday) it ate the same day and now i feed him on monday still no stool its not a problem is it
I doubt that it's a problem. What kind of substrate are you using? If it's shredded material, are you sure you haven't overlooked any feces? Obviously, if you are using newspaper or paper towels, it would be unlikely that you'd be able to miss it.

Also make sure that his temps are in the mid 70s on the cool side and low to mid 80s on the warm side. If he hasn't "let go" by his next feeding, you should bump this thread and we'll take it from there...
Roy Munson said:
Most corns defecate within three or four days after a meal if their enclosure temps are good. But sometimes it takes longer. It varies depending on the snake too. I have a few snakes that are on 7-day feeding schedules that almost always crap in their feeding tub after eating. Also keep in mind that there isn't always a 1:1 ratio of feeding to defecating. A snake may crap a couple of times off the same meal.

Snakes don't urinate. They expel their urate waste as a solid (usually somewhat moist though). This is the white stuff you see in snake waste. It's the same with birds.

OK, so snakes don't urinate, but I have to say the last time we had Tiaga out, I wasn't wanting her to poo on me so we put her in her feeding tub so we could clean her viv out. Man was I happy i put her in there because not 5 minutes later had she pooed BIG TIME in there. One thing I noticed though was ALOT of water(urine?) in with her poo. Is that normal? or is it something I should be worried about?