New member
To top off the already lackluster day I had at work, I came home and went to check on my little guy (named Oleo) to see if he shed, only to find him curled up and dead. I've had him for about 2 and a half weeks, and he died today. I fed him once the day after I got him and he didnt eat ever since. I have been posting like crazy as of late, since he was my first snake and, I was worried because he was refusing to eat. I tried all the tricks (except for lizard scenting), to get him to eat. Last sunday he looked like he would shed.. Color got dull, saw him swimming in his water dish so I figured that was why he refused to eat. Ever since last sunday he was very lethargic, also thought due to being in shed, but I guess something else was wrong. Sucks.:awcrap: