So last night I'm in my daughter's room changing her snake's water, when I hear my step-daughter scream at the top of her lungs. I'm not particularly alarmed because knowing my step-daughter, it could be a response to anything, say, a presidential assassination or the DVR failing to record her favorite program (almost always somewhere in the latter category). But my ears perk up when I hear her start screaming "Snake!" So I run into her room, and there on the floor is my butter stripe Terri, out for a stroll. I quickly apprehended the naughty little sheila, and before I even knew what was happening, my first snake escape was over with no stress or worry.
And yes, I've reinforced Terri's vivarium top, so hopefully this is the last time she'll go on a walk-about. Too bad all snake escapes don't end so well. :sobstory:
And yes, I've reinforced Terri's vivarium top, so hopefully this is the last time she'll go on a walk-about. Too bad all snake escapes don't end so well. :sobstory: