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Snake Feeding problem


New member
Watsup my snake just refused to eat for the first time today and I'm not sure why. When I put the mouse in his feeding tank with tongs he striked at the mouse as if it were a threat not food he even started to rattle his tail and I've never seen him do it before. Is there a reason why he would do this? Also I forgot to mention that the prey was a pinkie rat and my snake is probably only 4-5 months old. Someone please shed some light.
It could be a number of things, when was the last time he ate, maybe he's getting ready for a shed and cant see the pinkie and that could explain the tail rattling, maybe try scenting or braining :shrugs:
Don't try for another 4-5 days before feeding again though
How much does your snake weigh??

The reason I ask is pinkie rats average between 3 and 8 grams (Rodent Pro) and that might be a tad too big for a 4-5 month old snake unless you’re getting the absolute smallest of the small pinkie rats. I’m wondering if your snake is realizing that this is a big dead creature it’s about to eat and is maybe being put off by the size. Are you slitting your feeders at all???

My snake is 11 months old, weighs 24+ grams and I am now just going to move her up in food size to small fuzzies.

The thing is he been eating without problems at all for the 2 months I've had him. As a matter of fact that last thing he ate was a pinkie rat because I thought the pinkie mice were too small for him and the rats look just right. Also he ate 7 days ago today so I was going to try to feed it to him again today. Do I gotta wait or can I try again?
Well if the pinkies were too small you should have moved up to fuzzies then. You sorta skipped the progression of things.
Remember the general rule though, you don't want to feed your snake something that is more than 1.5x's wider than his body. So even if you think the pinkies were too small for him they might have been the right size...
You have the option of either peach fuzzies (3.10 – 4.40 grams) or fuzzies (4.50 – 7.00 grams)…which should fit your needs just fine.

I would really recommend weaning your snake off of live prey and switching to frozen/thawed. The pinkies aren’t a problem now, but when you start offering larger, live prey items, especially rats, they certainly can tear your snake up.

Also I forgot to say that I did try to feed him the rat frozen afterwards too but he still did the same thing strike and rattle his tail.
Are you or have you every slit or brained your pinkies?

That might elicit the type of response you’re seeing. I think it depends on the snake’s mood. There have been times where mine doesn’t seem interested and takes her time eating, while on other occasions, as soon as I put the pinkie in with her it was gone.

Unless there is a medical reason as to why he isn’t eating...he should be fine. Correct me if I am wrong, but this is his first missed meal, correct?

An answer to my question of slitting or braining would be helpful as this will release the internal juices of the pinkie which might induce him to feed.

Are you feeding him in a separate container? If so, how long are you leaving him in there with the pinkie?

Wait 24 hours after you tried to feed him last until you offer him another meal. You might try leaving him and the pinkie in a separate feeding container overnight. Just put it on top of the warm side substrate within your enclosure.

If he doesn't eat after waiting 24 hours, wait 3 days and try again, then try every 3 days until he eats.

I'd just wait a few days then try again, could be he isn't hungry yet or is coming up on a shed. Some times they just aren't hungry when we think they should be:)
Thanks for all the info because I was getting worried but like smith said it is just the first refusal and it shouldn't be nothing medical. Also I never brained none of the pinkies just the one live one started bleeding from the foot. I guess I'll just wait and keep trying.
Try putting 4 or 5 slits across the back of the pinkie. It will release the internal scent of the mouse and that just might entice him to eat. In addition to that, it will aid in digestion.

Try putting 4 or 5 slits across the back of the pinkie, provided it's a frozen/thawed pinkie :) It will release the internal scent of the mouse and that just might entice him to eat. In addition to that, it will aid in digestion.
