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snake hasn't 'pooed'... Help?


New member
OK, I know there are postings on this but I have no idea what to look up. if someone can point me in the right direction or give me the answer I would appreciate it. Thanks...

My snake ate on tuesday (maybe wednesday? I don't know, I feed him in a bag) it is now saturday and he still hasn't pooed. I just got him so I might just be a soccer mom on crack, but should I worry about this? If so, what can I do to remedy this situation? I have had him since last saturday so it might just be that he isn't comfortable in his surroundings? If someone can give me advice I would appreciate it.

My snake ate on tuesday (maybe wednesday? I don't know,

If funny... you know he didn't poop but...
you not sure what day he ate. ironic.

To you question. Good chance you just miss the "poop".
If it a hatchling, the poop might of gotten absorbed in the substrate.
I would not worry about it!.
If you feed in a bag I would not leave your snake in it over night in it.
You should try to monitor your snake during this time, just to make sure "all is well".
Do you feed f/t or live?? And what size are you feeding??
Nothing to be worried about just yet. Give him a few more days, they dont have to poo every week. Just keep watching for one.
Lol, You 100000% have nothing at ALL to worry about, when i got Damien he never "pooed" for about 4-5 weeks, i laiter found he was "constipated" dont know the word for that in the "snake world" but anyways he was clogged, now, i would wait, check again every week, if he hasent for about 3-4 weeks, bath him, you will be suprised, he wont try and "bite you" some snakes "damien" enjoy a little bath, i would say, bath him a few times over the weeks, make sure you keep the water warm and about a inch deep, not too hot!! and then he should "like Damien" start naturally pooing.

I am feeding him pinkies. these things are little. The people at the pet store that I bought him at are extremely knowledgable so I know I am feeding him the right thing.

I thought I was supposed to leave him in the bag for 24 hours? It doesn't really matter though becuase when I went to get him out he wasn't there, he was hiding under his plant and the bag was empty (at least noone can ever say that he is so stupid he can't find his way out of a paper bag).

In regards to missing the poop, he still looks kinda fat. maybe its just me though.

live or frozen... LIVE MAN, I throw the mouse and the snake in the bag at the same time and bellow
:devil01:"Welcome to the thunder-dome... bitch!!!":devil01:
j/k, i feed him frozen, I don't want him to get hurt during feeding.
May i just tell you, DONT listen to the petstore, most petstores dont know hardly anything about anything... No joke they dont, i suggest READING around this site, i know when your new you have alot of questions "ask anyone i was probably the worst for that" but meh, use the search get to know people, there are people on this site that have owned hundreds of snakes, HUNDREDS and mabie thousands.

I suggest you dont always listen to the petstore, they will most likly be eather lieing or telling you the "least best way to care for you snake"
Well, since your feeding it pinkys I would think it a hatchling. and feeding live pinkys is fine because there no chance of it biting your snake in self defence but once you start moving up a size you risk it. Also it better to feed f/t now so that your snake won't refuse f/t latter. When you stated , you feed him in a bag I thought that was out side of his cage. My bad.... just make sure he doesn't eat any subsrate while eatting the pinky.
Enjoy the day. :cheers:
I can vouch that pet store people are not always as knowledgable as they sound...when I first got Maize and I asked the guy what I needed...he gave me a basking light...that sent out UV rays....now that makes corns go blind...when I found that out through this site I brought it right back to the same store and yelled at them to get a little more knowledgeable on the pets they sell..I then bought a rheostat to control my UTH...which lately hasn't been working that well so I might have to return that soon and get a thermostat..But getting back to matters at hand...take the advice from these guys..they know their stuff :0) :grin01:
Just as pet store advice should be taken with a grain of salt, so too should the advice given by some members of this site. You don't need an advanced degree in Cornology to become a member here-- you just have to have internet access and the ability to stumble your way through the registration process.

I would advise against giving your snake a bath at any point, with a possible exception for external parasite eradication. The risks outweigh the mostly imaginary benefits. With proper temps and feeding, constipation in a corn is highly unlikely. And corns do not need regular baths to train them to crap naturally. :rolleyes:
Roy Munson said:
Just as pet store advice should be taken with a grain of salt, so too should the advice given by some members of this site. You don't need an advanced degree in Cornology to become a member here-- you just have to have internet access and the ability to stumble your way through the registration process.

I would advise against giving your snake a bath at any point, with a possible exception for external parasite eradication. The risks outweigh the mostly imaginary benefits. With proper temps and feeding, constipation in a corn is highly unlikely. And corns do not need regular baths to train them to crap naturally. :rolleyes:

Well said... to add to that you know that the snake is not impacted so there is no problem... let nature take its course... maybe the snake cannot poo because you keep checkin in when the urge hits!!!

Maybe you could put some reading material up for the snake to peruse while trying to download. Might I suggest the "There is Just Something About Corns" newsletter. It is a good read.
*shakes head in dismay* There have been SO many of these threads lately...

More than likely, your snake has "pooped" and you're missing it. If it hasn't, your corn (like thousands of others both roaming wild and living in captivity) will poop on it's own. If you're that worried about it, let your snake roam around on you for awhile, and maybe you'll have the pleasure of the experience. :grin01:
Don't worry about it. Cornsnakes have been pooing for millions(?) of years before we brought them into our homes, and will continue to do so once we are gone from this planet.

You do not need to do anything to "induce" or "train" your snake to poo. When the urge strikes, it will go. Unless you have a real worry about impaction, you have nothing to worry about.

Don't give him a bath, don't check all through the viv everyday, don't try to excercise him in an effort to go. Just be watchful, feed your snake at regular intervals with appropriate sized food items, keep your temps constant and accurate, and one of these days, you will see the poo...I promise.

Alot of snakes poo inside their hides, or underneath their substrate. Most poo while they are crawling along the edge of teh enclosure. If you are doing things right, your snake will poo. Again...I promise ;).
Jrgh17 said:
*shakes head in dismay* There have been SO many of these threads lately...

unfortunately, I am guilty of starting one of these threads, a while ago.

It is partially to do with the fact that it is IMPOSSIBLE to search "snake poo" with the search function. "poo" is too small, and believe me, i tried every other word you could think of without getting any relevant hits. Defecate, feces...etc.etc.

NOW there are a couple good hits for "defecate," since the influx of poo questions, but without trying a diverse vocabulary, it's a bit difficult to find information on this.
And it's something all new owners wonder.....along with "is this healthy poo", and "what is that white stuff??"

In regards to the question- just make sure your husbandry is all in order, and nature will take it's course~!