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Snake having a rough few months.


New member
Hey, had my corn snake now for about 11 years when we first got her she wouldnt eat, had to force feed her for about a month then she's took food no probs ever since. About a month and a half ago she stopped eating, her movement became really fast and jerky, not smooth.. she would put her nose just above her tail where it starts to thicken out and just move in circles over and over, what was most worrying was when she was moving, on occasion, if her body was in her path she would kinda sniff it a sec then give it a quick bite.. that all stopped when she had a really watery poop, kinda black and green, soaked half of her tank, so yeah im not convinced it was poop but since she hasnt eaten in so long, only drank there would be no substance to it.

Anyways about 2 weeks ago she ate a pinky(sick of wasting £1.50 mice), fine for about a week, she ate another. Thinking yeah great, just about to head out and get some bigger mice and the tank is soaken in vomit/poo i cant tell, theres the usuall crumbly bits of mice yellowy/white indicating that they have been propperly digested just theres sooo much water I cant believe it, about half of a 32 inch tank is soaked.

Now Usually I use wood chips as substrate and now I have changed to news paper, maybe thats just the fact that it absorbs alot of it and because its so thin it spreads further, I dunno. Anyways a vet recons the biting thing is because of age, sore bones etc. What are your thoughts? Is this vomit or poop?, deffo not regurge as its fully digested.

Cheers ;)
Yeah thats next on the list, unfortunatley I wont be able to take her for about 2 weeks, I barely got enough money as it is + I dont drive, parents still on their hols till next saturday, followed by sunday/bankholiday monday then at work all week, only place I can get to is a normal petshop that happens to sell frozen mice.

The original place we got her shut down years ago, im from newcastle upon tyne btw, incase you know a place ;>
In the meantime, can you get to a healthfood shop and get some grapefruit seed extract to put in her water. I dose at about 3 drops in a litre of water. It's a safe anti-bacterial that might help.
Has she lost any weight? As you know an adult should be ok to miss a few feedings without too much trouble.
In case there are any infection issues I'd keep the viv clean and as bare as possible for now.
Yeah theres just a den + waterbowl in there atm, just cleaned her out there and it didnt smell too bad tbh but a whole half of newspaper was saturated in yellow fluid.