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Snake Having Allergies or Infection?

I am trying to help out a friend at Snake Charmers (yes I recommended her to our happy little website). She does post on fauna though and this is how I found out her problem. Even the vet is stumped. I can only help so much. I even asked my vet tech friend Josh (CULEBRA85) and we thought it could be allergies. Her whole story is on:

If I am needed to copy and past instead, let me know. Its just better to get the whole update of her situation on there because that is where she posted it.
Baytril is a great full spectrum antibiotic. I am a little unclear on how long she has continued with it however sometimes in does need to go on for a few weeks depending on the situation and you don't want to start and stop the Baytril as any antibiotic. Because you can build up a resistance and since baytril is one of the few that reptiles can take you don't want to run the risk.

I find it really hard to believe that it is the "something else" that she is worried about just because of the situation with all three of the snakes. I would go ahead and try anti-fungals if the antibiotics are not seeming to help. It very well could be a fungal infection.
She tried the anti fungal, via a nebulizer, but it only made the snakes worse. So far, the bacterial cultures they have done have come back negative. Fungal still has not come back from the lab yet.