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Snake ID


New member
I found this snake in my yard yesterday. Is it a common water snake? It had no markings other than gray and elongated rough scales. The neighbors are clearing out some land for a lot and he must have been forced out of his home. Poor little guy, but I relocated him to a safe spot in the woods.
The location was Mandeville, Louisiana. Thanks for the help.



I agree with tyflier on this one. Looks like the yellow belly water snake to me.

Oh how I wish I was in louisiana this time of year.... I would be out in the woods every day looking for snakes and lizards... But alas, I am stuck in New Mexico and with my job and school and my wedding coming up, it is hard to do anything that I want to do....lol
Thanks guys.

The kids and I have been looking for snakes ever since it warmed up but not really seeing the numbers as we have seen in the past. I think it may have to do with such a cold winter we had. Who knows?
Thanks guys.

The kids and I have been looking for snakes ever since it warmed up but not really seeing the numbers as we have seen in the past. I think it may have to do with such a cold winter we had. Who knows?

I think that is exactly what happened.
I haven't seen so much as a gopher snake out here yet, and I have been searching in places that they are known to be... Animal control has a habit of releasing them on my in-laws property and they see them every year about this time, but not this year... not yet anyways... but believe me, when I do finally catch one, I will post pictures...
Last year I found my first rattler of the season on March 19. I haven't seen one yet this year. By this time last year, I had already found a total in excess of 15 snakes. This year...1. And that's counting only live snakes. Last year by this time, I had seen roughly 20 DOR snakes. This year...1.

This season is getting a late start pretty much everywhere as far as I can see...
I have only found one, and it was a dead Half garter snake up where I was fishing last sunday... Apparently someone decided that they wanted to cut it in half... poor little guy.
East Coast & Mid West wise. Our snakes actually came out early this year.

I live in the High Desert in California. I went cruising last night. At 8pm, it was 43*F. That's about 20* colder than I would expect this time of year...
East Coast & Mid West wise. Our snakes actually came out early this year.

Definitely true here. I found my first snakes this year 2 weeks ago.
It's been at least 3 weeks, maybe longer, since I heard the first frogs.
Definitely true here. I found my first snakes this year 2 weeks ago.
It's been at least 3 weeks, maybe longer, since I heard the first frogs.

We have more green tree frogs than I have seen in years over here. This is one I saw about a week ago.
