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Snake in hiding


Hi guys, I'm a new member and need some advice.
I have had a normal corn snake for 6 months, he/she is 8months old and has been in hiding for the last 10 days solid in the hide on the cool side. The temps are 72 on the cool and 81 on the warm side. I thought it might be shedding but nothing has happened yet (eyes haven't gone blue). i fed it last night and it ate but would not come out of the hide?

This is my first snake and never had any problems with he/she. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you
Does it have other hides she can got to?

Your temps sound right but it could be it just likes to be cool.

Another thing which I just recently went through is that maybe she just likes where it is and doesn't want to come out. My BCA male, Skog, had a hollow tree trunk that he stayed in all the time; stick his head out to grab his dinner and then right back in. We were afraid that he would get too big and not be able to get out of the tree trunk so we shook him out. Seems he was in shed and didn't do anything to get the shed off because of the small space in the trunk so he got a bath to get the old shed off. Needless to say he has a new hide.

Put in a couple of more hides and see if she moves.
sorry yes it has a hide on both sides, its always preferred the cool side just not for this long. It's usual routine is once it's digested it's food it's out exploring.
I will have a look to see if it has been trying to shed, he/she is due any week now.
Smokey and Hayyah are Snows and I have a hard time knowing when they are blue. Also I have a Amazon Tree Boa that sticks his head out of the paper tube long enough to grab his food and he leaves to poop and then pops right back in his tube. Could be security - they feel more secure in their hides.

Have you changed the placement of her tank? Anything new added near her tank or maybe a radio playing all the time near her tank?
It could also be that she is not getting hungry. Like Aztec, the Amazon Tree Boa, he was eating his food and Inca's food because she wasn't eating. So he was getting a peach fuzzy every 3 days. Why hunt when it's delivered?

Hold off feeding her and see what she does?
She could be wandering around at night when you are asleep. My corn likes the cooler side. Also when she gets bigger she might be out more. My normal hid for the first year and now when I get hom he will come and wander around his viv.
No there has been nothing new added, it popped it's head out half an hour ago and seemed fine. I think i'll give him a few days and see what happens.
Kieran, the thing to remember is that you are a giant predator to your snake. I have noticed that sometimes they can act tough, and not afraid, but in reality, they really are.

I suggest just leaving the snake alone for a few days, not looking through the glass.

He will eventually lighten up and explore more when you are around, but for now, he just needs his privacy.

Welcome to the forum by the way.
Thanks it's nice to be here.
I think i will take your advice and leave him for a few days.

Thanks for all the replies :spinner:
Don't stress.

Some of my snake habits:

Hayyah hides all day and keeps us up at night trying to fit through those small holes in the screen. Bong, bong, bong - it's as if he thinks he'll find one that he can fit his chunky butt through.

Yingarna either sleeps in her apple, under the toweling or curled around the water bowl all the time; every now and then she will venture up the ruin columns (a fish tank decoration) and sit on top of one as if she is Queen surveying her domain.

Skog had to be shaken out of his hollow tree trunk hide because all he did was put his head out to get feed; we were afraid he'd get too big and he wouldn't be able to get out of the tree trunk.

Aztec has to be shaken from his toilet paper tube. We have had him for four weeks and he has only explore his tank two or three time.

Each one is different. They get more settled in the older they get. Smokey is 10 years old and he sleeps out in the open.

Enjoy your pet and have fun.
Well it seems as if i was worried over nothing, he has been out all day climbing round the guard on the light bulb. Dont worry light hasn't been on, it's quite comical really watching him/her going round and round, like a dog chasing it's tail
I think they do this on purpose. It's a game with them. Let's see what we can do to drive our human parents crazy. I must say, they are pretty good at the game. :crazy02:

One day my husband came storming into the bedroom, "Smokey is gone!". Well, okay, how can a 4 ft 500 gram snake get out of a tank with screen lid that has six clamps on it. "I don't know, all I know is he is gone." So, I go to the tank with my upset husband, remove all six clamps and the screen and start putting my hands through the aspen. Smokey was burrowed under the aspen and his water bowl. If you look up from the bottom of the tank you could see him but not when you looked from the top of the tank. :rofl:

So, it's a univeral game that they all know. And, don't worry, we all go through it and we all get crazy. That's one of the rules - You must go crazy when your snake is not acting 'normal'. :)

Welcome to the joy of snakekeeping. :spinner: