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Snake lost...then FOUND!!


New member
Yes, about a week ago I lost one of my '06 male snows. A beautiful boy with nice golden coloring on his sides and on the very tip of his nose...and I was rather upset. He's one of my favorite snakes that when you reach into the enclosure he'll literally crawl to you, to crawl up onto your hand and wrist in order to get out. He'll hang around your neck and in general he's one of my favorite snakes that I get out for other people to see and pet, thanks to how calm this little guy is and always has been. A real sweetie, a major favorite of mine...

...and then he got out. I'm not exactly sure how, the container was rather secure but I figure he must have been doing some heavy duty exploring and pushed up at the top at the right spot in order to get out...and when he did I was rather upset. The house I nearly ripped apart before I put some bottle traps down with pinkies, waiting for the little guy to show back up. Days passed, the pinkies died, I put new ones in their places and I was beginning to figure this little guy died. The reason? For one, there's my roomie's cat, who has claws...and seems to like killing things that move if only to leave them on the floor dead. The other reason would be that I had an '06 male okeetee, who ended up lost, about...five months ago and I still haven't found that one.

So I was getting rather disappointed. Then at about two pm today...I was sitting in the living room, on the floor, my roomie on the couch talking away to me and I glanced over to see this...line. This odd little white line and at first I figured one of our rugs was just flipped up, you know...I'm not about to dive over and look like an idiot for a rug. So I'm still holding this conversation and I look over again...and I'm staring at this little thing before it moved.

I get up, walk over, and his head tips up at me. I reach down...and literally, he was chilling out entirely spread out on the floor, a straight line...and I pick him up in shock...the poor guy is covered in what looks like lint and cat hair that he must have found in our COUCH (or so my roomie Sam concluded). I went out and got out a dish, a huge dish from the kitchen to fill with water to try to let the guy soak and to wash the lint and hair off of him...and I get to see the guy for damn near a minute straight opening and closing his mouth, to a great extent in order to gulp down water.

...So he's in a NEW cage that I've got weighted down, and I'm feeling like the rather proud parent...Welcome home Arthur! :)I just wanted to share my fantastic day, hehe. :grin01:


EDIT by Sam:

Just an add in here, I was wondering if anyone has ever had a snake that seems to sneeze or cough. Its a sound that sounds a lot like hissing really but the snake really doesn't look angry and makes no aggressive movements in the least. No tensing, no curling back to attack, no flat head, no short striking, but just sitting there, and then suddenly there's a hissing like sound as if it were...well Sneezing.

The only reason I ask this is because while this guy was out of his cage and I was up a good couple of the nights seeing if I could spot him moving about and checking the bottle traps and keeping an eye on my cat to see weather or not she was acting odd in a certain area or what not I kept hearing this sound and it sounded like a snake hissing. I investigated, thinking that perhaps he was attacking something, though it really would have been odd if he had been considering he has never really been an aggressive snake and has never hissed or struck anything before since we've had him, but even so I didn't find him at all but it would come in short spurts. First three...and then there'd be a pause of about ten-thirty minutes and then there would be another set of these hissing like short spurts of sound before another pause, and then another good set of sounds after that before they'd stop after a few hours. this happened for three nights in a row and then only once or twice on the other nights that he was out. I had thought to conclude it being my rats moving odd in their cages or something along those lines after nearly five days of this strange noise however after Nick found the snake and we started to clean him off of the lint from the couch he made the sound.

He didn't rear back, he didn't act angry he was actually just acting as affectionate as ever but he made this soft hissing sound. I know a lot of people don't think that snakes are social creatures and they have no feelings so I wont really state out my full theory on why he'd been making such a noise over the past few weeks. (Aka- He wanted to be found because he couldn't get back to his cage on his own.) Thus, for those who don't believe in such things as snake feelings and loneliness I was curious if anyone else had ever had a snake who would make such a noise.

Just curious.
I'm so happy you found him! Thats great! :)
I don't think I've ever heard that sound - but if it continues often then I might consider taking him to the vet just in case - or he could be clearing out his nose from all that lint and such!
:) Congrats!
I've got a male creamsicle that does something similar...when I got to pick him up he'll let out 2 or 3 short sneeze like hisses, then he is fine, I have never heard or seen him do it in the cage, nor after I have him out and in my hands, just when I am going to pick him up, before I even touch him. He has no gunk around his nose and no other signs of a RI, so I have chalked it up to a quirk with him.

So glad you found yours.