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Snake Lot


:) colubridstudios.com :)
I decided to take on a clutch of snakes from a breeder that didn't have the time to work with them and was considering culling. Most of them are now feeding as expected and are looking great, however there are a couple that need a bit more extra attention. I just moved and started college up again and I am SOOOO busy that I'm worried I can't give them the attention they need to thrive and make it.

If someone thinks they have the time to work with the stragglers then you can have the whole lot of them :).

There are a couple of Okeetees, a couple Reverse Okeetees and a couple Ultramel Reverse Okeetees (I'll have to double check on the numbers when I go back to my mother-in-law's house in a couple of days. She's housing my snakes temporarily until we get set up better here).

The whole lot is $50+shipping.

Cheers! Talk to you soon :).