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Snake not feeding........worried

Hi Guys, my snake shed 21st last month and was complete, great stuff. he fed the same day and again on the 28th, but know he has not eaten twice...what could be wrong, he is such a healthy snake and can't think why he is not eating, am I just over worrying. he is 7 months old and is on fluffs, any advice guys, thanks, Asher
When you say he last ate on the 28th do you mean August 28th? If so, there is really no cause for alarm yet. How often are you feeding? If he is 7 months he only needs to eat every 7ish days.

If its been much longer than that, I can offer the following information:

First some questions to help us, how long have you had him? How long has he been on this size mouse? Any changes in his vivarium? What is your heating setup? Any abnormal temp (too hot or too cool) can cause stresses in your snake which can cause them to stop feeding.

Also, how are you feeding? Are you feeding in a separate tank? If you are not, trying that might help, also can try to cover feeding tank a little so the snake feels more secure.
Concur that if it's only been just over a week since he last ate, there's really nothing to worry about whatsoever.

Otherwise, the answers to Jagodzinki's questions will help :)
a healthy snake can live many months without food. A few days without eating is nothing to worry about.

You've mentioned the snake was eating ok before. Has the snake been pooping regularly too? A snake will generally poop about 2 to 4 days after eating. If your snake is constipated or holding its poop, it might not want to eat.

Reasons a snake might not eat - 1). About to shed (snake might refuse food before, during or after the shed), 2). Temperatures not right in cage (if a snake gets too cold it can't properly digest its food, it might also refuse to eat), 3). Something has changed recently to upset snake's routine and he might need time to re-adjust (have you moved the snake to a different cage, changed the layout of the cage, moved the cage to a new location, altered the temps in the cage?), 4). Snakes will sometimes go off their feeding during mating season. This is especially true with males. (However it's not mating season right now so this is probably not an issue), 5). illness or intestinal blockage (is the snake constipated, has it been pooping 2 to 4 days after eating?)
Hi and thanks for your help, I have had him for 4 months, he has been on fluffs for the last 6 feeds, I feed him in his separate tank he has a heat mat set at 80-85F sheds have been ok. I never handle him for 48 hours after he has ate. He normally has such a good routine with feeding perhaps I am over worrying. every week I feed him 1 fluff and weighs at 34gs. I adore him and is such a friendly snake he is just wonderful and so attached to him, Thank you again, guys you are so kind in taking the time and understand. all the best Asher
I have found some very small whiteish blackish poops, but not a lot or as much as I would expect being on fluffs, to be honest with the poops I am not sure what I would be looking for lol...not sure how long to go until I go to the vet.should i keep offering food or just leave him for a few days.....All the best Asher
Snake poop is small; they're very efficient with their food, especially when babies; the amount that comes out is greater than the amount that goes in. Honestly if it is pooping at all (rather than not having gone for like three months) it's probably not constipated.

Vets would be premature at this stage. Just offer food once a week and in the meantime, try and figure out what might be going on that's made it not interested in food. You can change up your feeding strategy too; perhaps an alternative method will suit him better. If you really think he might be constipated, try a bath in lukewarm water.
the snake should poop 2 to 4 days after eating. If you are not finding poop in the cage then there could be a problem. He will stop eating after a while if nothing is coming out.

You should clean the cage weekly and remove the poop. If you are not finding any, then a trip to the vet may be in order.
Were you noticing more poop before? A change in output could definitely signal a problem, he may just be constipated so you could try a warm soak. What sort of substrate are you using? If it is something like aspen, it may be harder to find the poops. Maybe switching to papertowel for a little so you can see the poops better and determine whether or not it is a normal amount.
Snake poop is small; they're very efficient with their food, especially when babies; the amount that comes out is greater than the amount that goes in. Honestly if it is pooping at all (rather than not having gone for like three months) it's probably not constipated.

Vets would be premature at this stage. Just offer food once a week and in the meantime, try and figure out what might be going on that's made it not interested in food. You can change up your feeding strategy too; perhaps an alternative method will suit him better. If you really think he might be constipated, try a bath in lukewarm water.

Uch, I meant, three weeks not three months. I'm a moron...