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Okay, so I've had my snake for about a year and a half now. I bought locks a long time ago, but they didn't fit the tank. So I never really used them 'cause he wasn't gotten out. Well, just recently he's gotten justttt tall enough to reach the very top. So last night, he decided he was gonna get out and go on an adventure!
I didn't know that he was out, but I was opening my window, because the weather is so nice here, and the window seemed to be jammed, so I gave it a hard shove. I decided to pull up my shade and see what the issue was. It didn't seem like much. Then when I was looking, there he was my little Cornflake, in the window track!
I started freaking out I thought for sure I killed him. I ran into the other room crying, and my mom was like "GOOOOO CHECK!" (She hates him) Then I went to look and I seen that he was moving, but only a bit so I thought he was suffering, and started to cry more.
Then, he decided to poke his little head out, and well, he was perfectly fine! He just thought giving me a heart attack was a good idea. I am guessing he liked that the sun was warm and right in the window. Right now I have a ton of text book sized books on his tank right now, and am going to have to shop for some locks that will fit his tank tomorrow.
I'm glad he was okay I was so scared and upset. There wasn't much point to this post, just wanted to share my story. :D
Glad he's ok! Just keep checking on him every now and then! One of mine has escaped TWICE and both times was found in the hallway, once curled up under the lid of the radiator and the other time in between some books and paper in a cabinet! I have 2 cats so was FREAKING out thinking they had eaten or killed him! Now mine are locked away!
We have a thayeri king that is a masterful escape artist. He's gotten out three times in the last two months and each time was found in the mudroom, happy as a clam (and not wanting to go back in his tub).

Glad you found your baby and that he's safe! Get those locks as soon as you can.
Thank you! I'm glad I found him too, I am still a little worried about him 'cause when he was trying to squirm away from me he got to the very top of the window, and I was trying to get him down, and he fell. It was a good 8ft drop, but he still put up a good fight the whole time I was trying to catch him. So I think he is okay. I've been checking on him periodically and he seems to be doing good.
Usually he is lazy, but for the past week, he's been very active, I'm thinking it's the nice weather, his tank is right infront of a sunny window.
I always heard snakes like tight places and are crafty at finding them. Indeed he is, 'cause this little crack fit him perfectly.
I'm glad I found him before my mother, 'cause I know she'd freak out and make me get rid of him for sure if he found his way into her room.
I'm allergic to EVERYTHING, even my dad's dog with the human type fun makes me break out in rashes it's insane, so reptiles are really the only pets for me, and I've always loved snakes.

The locks I have are the ones that go under the lip in the top of the screen, and then under the black around the top of the tank, I got the right size but they didn't fit. I'm getting paid tomorrow so I'm gonna try and find some.

...I was saying to my mom I've always had scape artists for animals. Before we knew I was allergic we got a cat that was 8 years old, his previous owner never let him outside, then when we got him, that's all he ever wanted to do was go outside durring the nice days. We'd try and keep him in and he'd always find a way out. Then I think just about every hampster I had as a kid escaped. I had one that did it weekly. So much my cousin bought me a new cage for it, the guy at the pet store said he used it for the ones in the store, and they never got out. ...Well guess what?!? lmao out he was.
That same hampster somehow got stuck behind wall panneling when I was little, in our closet. We could hear him in there but couldn't find him. Finally my mom emptied the whole closed, and he wasn't in there, that's when we found out that he was behind the wall. My dad had to take the panneling apart to get him out for me.
lol apparently my animals hate me since they always want to escape. ...Or maybe they just love me and want to get closer to me haha.
That is a scary story!
I would have had a heart attack too!

I'm glad your snake is ok.

BTW, I am surprised how they seem to not get hurt from dropping/falling. Not that mine do often, but I've had them purposely dive off of tables, or fall off of my shoulders.