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Snake regurgitation


Mother and Father of Eva
Hello all,

Alright I have a snow corn hatchling. I have had her for one week and she ate her first meal fine. No problems. However the past one she digested for a day and then regurgitated it last night. 1) Is this something to worry about too much? 2) Anything I did?.

My setup and procedures is as follows.

20 Gallon tank
UTH and small Infrared light on warm side. Temps at about 85 on warm side and 78 on cool
Warm and Cool hide, she tends to stay in cool but loves to wonder around at nights in the warm

Fed in small tub outside of cage
Never handled for 48 hours after fed.

I have really been trying to do all my homework to give my Eva all the love and affection that I can. Is there anything I am doing wrong?


I can't see anything you're doing wrong in that. But now it's happened:

1. Do not feed her for about 14 days to give her stomach time to regenerate the acids and bacteria it needs for digestion.
2. Maybe try a smaller prey item next time? It might have been too big.
3. Leave her largely alone, don't handle her much, to avoid any stress that might make her regurgitate again next time round.

Good luck. :)
Thank you

Thank you very much.

Is there much to worry about or could the new home just still be a bit stressful?
Probably the prey size was too big. You are right to take the regurge seriously, especially in a tiny baby. Wait no less than 10 days to feed again, then feed the smallest pink you can find. If the pink she regurged was very small, you may want to feed her half a pink. If she regurges again, then you need to give her Nutribac probiotics, which you get from Kathy Love's website. They will help her replenish her stomach flora. When the snake regurges, it loses stomach flora- the bacteria that digest the food. It takes days to replenish them, and serial regurges will quickly kill a small snake. Probably wouldn't hurt to order the Nutribac just in case- you can even use it now by putting a pinch in her water bowl. Good luck- hope she's ok.

It may well just be stress, if you got picked up and jostled around a bit before being dumped in someone else's house you'd be a bit stressed as well I'd wager. Just wait it out and see how it goes. Chances are she'll be fine again next time, and as she ate not long back she's not going to suffer from malnutrition any time soon if she doesn't. :)
Thanks again

Thanks again for the help

Yes, The pinkie I fed was about the smallest one, so I am guessing in 10 days I will try to feed her half of one. See how that goes.

I tend to easily overreact with my babies but that's what they are to me my children. The wife and I could not bear to lose any of them because we did something wrong that they cannot even control.

Hmm maybe this is what went wrong

I have been going through my feeding log and I think I may have found the problem. I believe the frozen/thawed pinkie I fed her may have not been fully thawed. While I gave it ample time to thaw, it seems in my log I did not "test" it to make sure it was thawed completely. I simple mistake I feel bad about.

You think this could have maybe been the problem?
It's possible yes. I thaw mine in hot water for about 20 minutes, it gives them a thorough defrosting, and warms them up, which my snake seems to like, judging by it's rather enthusiastic strike at the warmed ones. :grin01:
I agree, if the pink was cold, that might have caused a regurge. It's hard to imagine one not being thawed, though. I always worry about cooking them. I used to thaw them in hot water and test the temp of the water with a meat thermometer, then hold the water at 101F and test for thawedness. Now I have a thermometer that you point and shoot- it's working ok. I bet mine are thawed in less than 10 minutes.


Can a hatchling corn go 10 days without food and be ok? Eva seems extremely hungry and upset. Still alert and healthy acting when I find her in her hide, but nevertheless. 10 days will not starve her right? I know I sound like a 10 year old, and I already know the answer to my question, but I need sleep.
I have two that went 8 weeks out of the egg before they ate their 1st meal, yours will do fine for 10 days.

Forgive me everyone if I sound like a jerk on this one. I've been know to be one from time to time, BUT, I've seen thread after thread on how to thaw a pinky ...... it's a pinky!!! Take it out of the freezer!! Warm it in hot water before feeding!! Let's keep it simple. :wavey:

Well I am fully capable of thawing a pinkie as I have for many years. At some point human error always plays a role in human civilization.
update on my situation

Alright since the last time we spoke Eva ate one successful meal. However two days ago I fed her again (exactly one week late) and today she regurged again. At least she kept the last meal down Now my temps are 86.7 on the glass over the UTH, 80 on top of the substrate. cool side running at about 75.2.

I have searched the forum and can think that there are only two things I did wrong right off the bat.

1) I attempted a feeding in another cage as suggested by well... just about everyone. Thinking this may have been more stress than needed since she has never been fed like this before.

2) Only thing I am not doing while feeding her is slitting the pinkies backs or anything. Thinking this may be a big help for her since she seems to be a bit sensitive.

Anymore suggestions. Again I have searched the forum and understand this is a common;y answered topic, however with the on and off regurge I was simply seeking some suggestions
another update

ok now I am puzzled. Right after I submitted the last I witnessed Eva pooping a little bit. What gives. Does this simply mean she is pooping what she actually did digest?

I've found that in young hatchlings the regurge reflex is brought on by 4
main factors.

1) Prey size too big to digest in approx. 4 days.
2) Temperature too cool.
3) Humidity too low.
4) handling too soon after feeding.
