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Snake-sitting in Texas?


Howdy folks,

Here's my situation: I will likely be out of the country for about a month during December and January. I need to find someone who is willing and able to take care of my snakes while I'm away. Of course, I will provide all the mice, water, and supplies you'll need for them. Also, to make it worth your while, I'll give you a free pair or trio of hatchlings from one of my two pairings this next year. I'm willing to travel up to 3-4 hours or so (I'm in College Station) to drop these guys off with someone. I have 10 snakes that will need food and water during that period and I have 4 that need to be brumated. If you think you could help me out, please send me a PM and we can talk more about the details.

Even if you can't take care of all of them, PLEASE let me know if you can help me out with brumating my adults. I really don't want to have to wait until the middle of January when I get back to start brumation, so I'm hoping to find someone who would be willing to brumate my 4 adults when they brumate their own breeders. Again, I'm happy to travel in order to drop these guys and gals off with someone. And the free pair of hatchlings deal still applies.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks a million!

We'll help out

We live in Arlington,TX about 3 hours from College Station. We have about 35 of our own snakes and will be hibernating 2 of our own. We've got corns, ball pythons, hognoses, and durnago mountain kings. If you still need any help just let us know.