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Snake Size


New member
I have heard from many different sources that a snakes max size is relative to the size of the viv. I've also heard that this is complete bologna. Hoping you guys can give me a definitive answer. Ready. Set. GO!:duck:
Absolute nonsense. A snake will grow to as big as their species gets. Cage size has nothing to do with it.
I'll agree to the bologna. The only thing you'll get with a small cage and a big snake is a cranky sick snake. I currently have a rescue boa that was housed in a 20 gallon for who knows how long that has bone spurs and arthritis in his tail because of poor diet and cramped quarters.
That's like saying a goldfish or oscar fish will only grow to the size of the aquarium. Complete ka-ka. If a pet isn't growing properly, then it's not being taken care of properly, or it has a health problem and needs to be seen by a vet.
That's like saying a goldfish or oscar fish will only grow to the size of the aquarium. Complete ka-ka.

As for the snakes, I totally agree, they need their vivs to grow with them, but as for goldfish, I am gonna disagree on that. We won about 10 cheapie goldfish at the fair one year when I was younger and put them in our small concrete pond out back 5x6x3'deep. Within 3 years all but 2 were still with us and they were huge. The biggest was about 8" long. Now, I have no proof that if we kept them in smaller bowls they wouldn't have grown like that, but I have to think that because of the large pond they grew more.

I will agree about Oscars though, I know they will keep growing!
Goldfish can live for up to 25 yrs if cared for properly. They usually don't grow well in bowls b/c the water is full of ammonia and they are basically sufficating. They aren't staying small b/c of the size of the bowl, but b/c of improper care. If you did twice daily water changes the fish could breath properly and would outgrow the bowl.
smigon- actually gold fish can reach sizes of 3 feet.. if fed and housed properly.. they will also out grow a fish bowel or small tank if properly looked after. so it is nonsense..

beautiful fish. :)
Different goldfish grow different sizes. My local pet store sells a lot of fantails, black moors, ryukin and oranda all of which have the potential to get the size of tennis balls.

Regular ol' goldfish (what I see sold as feeders most of the time) can grow to around 9 inches long. My sister has one that is around 7" in a 10 gallon tank with several other smaller fish and I have no idea how any of them are still alive. But he has hung on for 6 years now.