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Snake too skinny?


New member
Hi guys

Thanks in advance for answers

Basically i bought a CB09 recently, and when i hold her and let her move across my fingers and hand i can feel the bottom of her rib cage. Should i be able to feel this or does this mean shes a little bit on the skinny side?

Cheers! :)
Might just mean she has relaxed muscle tone. The shope of the body is a good indicator. You'r looking for more of a "loaf of bread" profile rather than a triangular one with a prominant backbone (that's at rest - the spine is usually more visible when they move around).

Also, look at the body compared to the size of the head. Does the head look too large or too small? If it seems in proportion, then all is well.

What's she eating and how often? At 3 years old she'll be pretty much adult, but they do grow at different rates.
Well they said she was eating one large mouse a week, but i was planning to move her onto rat weeners every 10 days as they seem a little bigger. I've bought three just to test her out on them, might keep it to every 7 days though just incase she is on the skinny side.

She ate her last large mouse on tuesday no problems at all.

Here are some pictures, see if you can judge for yourself :)

TBH she looks a little on the large side to me - absolutely not on the skinny side. I certainly wouldn't be increasing her feeding. One large mouse a week is the maximum I'd feed to any Corn - my routine regime is 1 every 14-21 days.

It's possible that her "relaxed mucle tone" is flab and you can feel her ribs because she hasn't got the muscle that you'd expect, to tense up and prevent you feeling them.
She does look a little chunky...maybe go with every ten days for awhile and see how she does. :)
It's difficult to generalise as they're all slightly different. Personally I'd go to 10 day feeds and see if I could get her a little more active, with some interactive handling sessions a couple of days after eating (if she' OK about being handled).

14 day feeds wouldn't hurt her, although I suspect that might be more of an issue for you than her. I can see that halving feeding frequency would be pretty nerve-wracking. 10 days + exercise would be a good compromise for you both. You can always review things in a few months and tweak the routine again if you think it's necessary. These things are never set in stone.
She is very 'tame' when being handled, but i know the home i got her from began to handle her less frequently as the lady was pregnant. That may be why she has put a little on.

At the moment, i know its only been 5 days but she just hides away in one of her hide boxes and very very rarely comes out. Is this just because she is still settling in or do most snakes just hide away. Even at night theres no sign of her, and when you check first thing on a morning she is still in the same hide box.
I'd put it down to settling in. We usually recommend that they're not fed or handled for a week after arrival and it can takes weeks or months before they settle into a recognisable patten of behaviour. They tend to stay out of sight until they understand that their new home is a safe place to be. I suspect she's coming out to explore whilst you're asleep, when the absolute quiet and dark means that the "scary pink monsters" aren't around!

Certainly Corns are naturally active at times of low or no light - dawn, dusk or overnight. Even after settling in, I doubt you'll see much of her during the day.