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snake transportation


New member
I was wondering what methods people here use to transport their snakes. I'm not talking about shipping, just packing the snake up for a trip to the vet or something like that. I've used deli cups for babies, but I don't think my 4' long snake would like being smooshed into a deli cup too much. :rolleyes: What do you all think is the safest, most escape-proof, and humane way to transport a snake?
get your motor running head out on the highway

plastic shoe boxes with little holes melted into it for breathing, with a towel in it for comfort
I've heard of people using pillow cases knotted at the end, for transport too...
A cloth bag, like a pillow case, closed with a knot. Put the bag in a box or a pan, so the snake won't get squished as you transport it and also in case it poops to protect your car seat or your clothes from the Snake Eau de Toilette.