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Snake Website Production!


New member
I wasn't sure if where to post this so I figured I would get yelled at less for posting here lol. I have been doing a lot of snooping around on the internet at a LOT of different websites. Mostly breeders, personal snake sites and other hobby enthusiasts sites. I have noticed a fairly common trend among snake owner's website...they're out of date in terms of web design.

I'm not trying to sell a service or anything but I do have quite a bit of web design experience and wanted to offer my expertise to this community. Small or large projects, doesn't matter to me. Even if you just want to have a site with the pics of your snake up.

feel free to contact me at [email protected] or pm me here. I can also help guide new web designers if they're having trouble.
I am actually working on my own site right now. I am a Software Engineer (JUST promoted from my "junior" status and still have A LOT to learn!).

What kind of coding do you know?

Currently my site is being coded in JSP's using Eclipse and is a combination of DHTML, Javascript, and external CSS(of course).

What is your expertice(sp?)?
My java is still in it's infant stages. I am pretty fluenent in HTML and CSS. My edge really comes from being an expert photoshopper/illustrator (program not with paints). I can make some really slick imaging for any site. The html and css is usually enough to get me by although the java is fun to learn.
well, if you are offering to make me a website then i won't say no... ;)

i am planning to get a website up and running in the next couple of years but if i can get it done now then that would be awesome!!

PM me if you like...
I would love to!

I have been working on a website portfolio for a while now, if anyone wants free websites I may be interested in helping you in exchange for your reference later on (might start freelancing at it).
How familiar are you with CSS based thumbnail viewers? I have some code that is for my picture gallery and it displays all the thumbnails in nice, neat rows. When you hover your mouse over the thumbnail the full-sized picture pops up for you to view. My issue is this: When the enlarged image is displayed you must move your mouse ALL THE WAY across the image and then off of it again before it disappears again. It SHOULD BE that when you remove your mouse from the thumbnail that the image disappears, not the enlarged image.

Here is my code:

<div id = "photoContainer">

<h1>If you would like to purchase a baby then please contact me and <br /> we'll set something up.
<br /></h1>


<a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb">
<img src="http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq161/JadieGlitch/Delilah.jpg" width="100px" height="66px" border="0" />
<img src="http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq161/JadieGlitch/Delilah.jpg" />
<br />
Added: 12.17.2008
<br />
by Jadie.Glitch


<a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb">
<img src="http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq161/JadieGlitch/RahBehKaa.jpg" width="100px" height="66px" border="0" />
<img src="http://i444.photobucket.com/albums/qq161/JadieGlitch/RahBehKaa.jpg" />
<br />
Added: 12.17.2008
<br />
by Jadie.Glitch

And here is my external CSS:

div#photoContainer {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
padding-left: 205px;
padding-right: 10px;

div#photoContainer h1, h2 {
style: strong;
font-size: 20px;

div#photoContainer h3 {
font-size: 15px;
color: orange;

/* This bit handles the thumbnail/picture pop-up function on the gallery page*/
position: relative;
top: 5px;

background-color: transparent;
z-index: 50;

.thumbnail span{ /*CSS for the style to the box behind the enlarged image*/
position: fixed;
background-color: goldenrod;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px dashed darkolivegreen;
visibility: hidden;
color: black;
text-decoration: none;
font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
width: 605px;

.thumbnail span img{ /*CSS for enlarged image (they can all be resized here, just add width and height)*/
padding: 2px;
width: 600px;

.thumbnail:hover span{ /*CSS for the sizing of the colored box behind the enlarged image on hover*/
position:fixed; /* <--added for Firefox/Mozilla*/
visibility: visible;
top: 0px !important;
left: -200px; /*position where enlarged image should offset horizontally */

Any thoughts??
Any thoughts??

Have you ever tried JAlbum? It's a neat little tool that makes wonderful galleries that are easy to update and integrate into existing sites.

Personally I use WordPress and the Gallery plugin which can be found through the image in my sig.
Wow... those ARE neat... much more "now" than what I am using... I'll have to look into that when I get back into work tomorrow.

Thanks for the info ^_^!

Even though it looks like I might change my direction on this, if anyone can figure out my conundrum it would be MUCH appreciated. It's been driving me crazy for WEEKS and it would be nice to know if there even WAS a solution out there...
I only browsed the code lightly. Usually stuff like that comes from weird dimensions from your bounding boxes. I would try eliminating the width of your image background boxes and see if that helps. I generally have thumbnails open new windows to display fullsized images, easier to code and it lets people keep multiple images up at the same time.
Wow... those ARE neat... much more "now" than what I am using... I'll have to look into that when I get back into work tomorrow.

Thanks for the info ^_^!

Even though it looks like I might change my direction on this, if anyone can figure out my conundrum it would be MUCH appreciated. It's been driving me crazy for WEEKS and it would be nice to know if there even WAS a solution out there...

Just looking without testing here.

Try using an actual thumbnail not a resized full image.
My guess is even though you're resizing it the program still needs your mouse to be moved off the size of the actual image size. Meaning it's ingorning the width height you set up to thumbnail it.

Right now that's my best theory.
Jadies solution

Hi Jadie.

My first theory was wrong.

I had some time I took your code.

Played with a few things looked it over closely then realized where the problem lay.

In your current code when you hover you do not see the text box under the enlarged image unless you hover over the enlarged image.

Causing a kind of wrapping effect and not working as you wanted.

In your .thumbnail span

change display from none to block

.thumbnail span{ /*CSS for the style to the box behind the enlarged image*/
position: fixed;
background-color: goldenrod;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px dashed darkolivegreen;
visibility: hidden;
color: black;
text-decoration: none;
font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
width: 605px;

Now it works perfectly.

Hover on thumb image gets large shows text hover off thumb it turns off.

Move mouse from thyumb to enlarged image enalrged image stays up. Take mouse off enlarged image it shrinks back to thumb.


Hmm seems it created another oddity but it works more like you want.

The oddity is if you move the mouse to where the large image would show up it pops up.

I'll see if I can figure the fix for that to.

But you got something to go on right now.
Hmm well works great for one image. Once I added a second it wasn't so nice and neat. Back to the drawing board.
Also check to make sure you're using the same browser. It will vary quite a bit from one to another.

p.s. I suggest this get moved to another thread since it really no longer is dealing with the original post.
Okay got it all perfect.

div#photoContainer {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
padding-left: 205px;
padding-right: 10px;

div#photoContainer h1, h2 {
style: strong;
font-size: 20px;

div#photoContainer h3 {
font-size: 15px;
color: orange;

/* This bit handles the thumbnail/picture pop-up function on the gallery page*/
position: relative;
top: 5px;

background-color: transparent;
z-index: 50;

.thumbnail span{ /*CSS for the style to the box behind the enlarged image*/
position: fixed;
background-color: goldenrod;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px dashed darkolivegreen;
visibility: collapse;
color: black;
text-decoration: none;
font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
width: 605px;

.thumbnail span img{ /*CSS for enlarged image (they can all be resized here, just add width and height)*/
padding: 2px;
width: 600px;

.thumbnail:hover span{ /*CSS for the sizing of the colored box behind the enlarged image on hover*/
position:static; /* <--added for Firefox/Mozilla*/
visibility: visible;
top: 0px !important;
left: -200px; /*position where enlarged image should offset horizontally */

This is all you needed to change.

.thumbnail:hover span{ /*CSS for the sizing of the colored box behind the enlarged image on hover*/
position:static; /* <--added for Firefox/Mozilla*/
visibility: visible;
top: 0px !important;
left: -200px; /*position where enlarged image should offset horizontally */
What type of design and programming education do you have? Do you have samples of your work? Feel free to PM me the answers if you don't want to post them here.
I do have a site but I didn't want to post it because of the forum rules. I'm not trying to sell my site, I'm doing this for free, I just noticed a lot of herp sites are outdated and though I would help out since you guys all gave me such helpful advice.

I'll pm the link to my site to anyone who asks. Its just a little project I put together as a semi-portoflio of my photoshop stuff and as a sort of example of web design.