Two Corns and Growing!
My girl Diabla has refused her food her last feed which was last thursday and I don't know why. Shes fed with me three times with no problems since I purchased her, which was at the beginning of March. Shes defecated the last meal and has shown no signs of going into "blue". I called the herp vet when she didn't even show any interest in the pinkie and refused it and they told me to try again in a few days which I did just now I even brained it and shes still not showing any interest! I'm starting to get worried. They also told me to bring her in if she hasn't eaten by her next scheduled feeding, which I'm afraid she won't and I don't have the money right now to pay for a vet visit considering I'm going to have to pay for driving school and other expenses in April. I'm so stressed right now being the worried daddy of all my pets, this is my first snake and I don't know what I'm doing wrong she was fine a week ago but on the bright side she is still really active. I don't know what to do, all suggestions are welcome and appreciated. :headbang: