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Snakes first fuzzie...


Snake Addict :)
We fed my snake his first peach fuzzie, but 2 days later he regirgitated something. Not sure wether he threw up the fur and what not, or wether he threw up the mouse because it didn't agree with him. I was almost positive they digested everything, but now i'm not so sure...
Should I try feeding him another fuzzie or go back to pinkies?
After a snake regurgitates, it is recommended that you wait 8-10 days before you feed him. And you should feed him pinks for a couple of feedings.
Are you sure it was a regurge? Every once in awhile, they will poop out the undigested hair. :puke02: The only real way to tell is to see it... BUT that being said, the nose knows. There is a definite difference in fragrance. Take a wiff. ;)
Yeah i put a post up about this a couple of weeks ago. I thought i had a regurge but it was just poo. Also i would not feed him for 10 days just to be sure.
There was a smell for sure. Pew! :) He has never regurged before so maybe it might have been poo..
I didn't see him throw it up so maybe that's it.
Well I've not seen my snake throw up, but I know it happened :shrugs:
Not seeing it poop or regurg doesn't mean much, if you're honestly not sure I would wait the 8-10 days just to be sure. Especially since making the bowel movement 2 days after being fed seems rapid to me.
There was a smell for sure. Pew! :) He has never regurged before so maybe it might have been poo..
I didn't see him throw it up so maybe that's it.

If it is a truly nasty smell, then it's a regurge. If it smells like, well, poo... it is.
It was most definatley regure then. I will feed him in 7 days or so and let everyone know how it goes.