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Snakes N cats


New member
Hey everyone its been a while since I've last been on here and thanks to all the info my snake is still alive and healthy. Now I have another question, my sister needs to use the dresser I had my viv on and there is no other room to put it in but the basement. I just wanted to know if cat dander and whatever else comes off cats will affect the snake. There are three cats in the basement that have been living there and only there for like three years. So the litter box and all their hair and whatnot are down there too.
I have two cats and two dogs. My two corns appear to be suffering no ill fate due to my other animals. Dander is not so much an issue... it's just the claws you have to keep your snake away from. :)
I'm by no means an expert, but I have five cats which have the run of my house including the rooms with the snakes in and it doesn't seem to bother the snakes (or the cats for that matter!!). :)
I have to agree with everyone else. I also have three cats. At first they were really curious about the snakes, but now only watch them when they're slithering around my vivs. Just make certain that there is no way for the cats to get to the snake. Good luck.
Thanks for the input. As long as the smell doesn't bother the snake because when you walk in there you can smell the difference between the other rooms. And those little S*#ts knocked the lamp off the top of the tank and busted the bulb:angry01: I have to figure out a way to keep them from jumpin on top of it
I agree with the other posters. My cat's dander never bothered the snakes, in fact they seem interested in each other. The snakes check them (the cats) out when they sit next to their tanks.

And those little S*#ts knocked the lamp off the top of the tank and busted the bulb:angry01: I have to figure out a way to keep them from jumpin on top of it

I have a suggestion for that. Set some mouse traps and lay a piece of newspaper on top of it. When the cats jump on top of the tank and set off the mouse trap they'll freak out and it discourages that type of behavior in the future. Also double sided tape, saran wrap and of course the squirt bottle of water if you catch them in the act all work pretty well.
I agree with the other posters. My cat's dander never bothered the snakes, in fact they seem interested in each other. The snakes check them (the cats) out when they sit next to their tanks.

I have a suggestion for that. Set some mouse traps and lay a piece of newspaper on top of it. When the cats jump on top of the tank and set off the mouse trap they'll freak out and it discourages that type of behavior in the future. Also double sided tape, saran wrap and of course the squirt bottle of water if you catch them in the act all work pretty well.

I've also heard that tin foil works for such things.
I currently have 3 cats and a dog in my small 1 bedroom condo..the snakes are in the living room which is accessible with all the animals..and they all seem to be fine :0)
When you say there's a "lot" of cat hair in the basement and that you can smell a difference to the rest of the house, does that mean it doesn't get cleaned as regularly as the rest of the house?

If that's the case, you could just give it a good old spring clean before housing your snake down there :) If the smell is very strong, then your snake may act a lot differently, but only you will be able to tell if the smell or the cats are stressing him out, by monitoring him very carefully.

From what you're describing, I personally wouldn't do it, as it sounds like the basement is not used for much else but the cats, and you may not see what they get up to :)