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Snakes outta the bag!


New member
After 5 months of hiding her, my mother finally gathered the courage to tell my dad about my secret snake! I've kept my Asian Vine snake a secret for far too long!

And of course, what does my dad say?

Mom:" Ok, Darryl, I have a secret! Julie has had another snake in her room since April. She's beautiful and sweet and I love her and there's nothing you can do about it!"

Dad:..." What's the big deal?"

I envision scream, arm flailing, blood pressure rising! But nope, not even a batted eyelash and now he's in my room regularly looking at her and telling me how neat she is. Wasn't too fond of the moderately venomous thing though..

Anyways, I'm so glad she's not a secret anymore! Was far too hard keeping a snake with a huge tank and a heat lamp a secret lol

Just wanted you guys to know. :3

Also, thinking about starting up a tarantula hobby. I work with them all day long and they are just the neatest things next to my darling snakes. Any of you deal with arachnids?


That's a Martinque Pink Toe. I want one so bad!!
Ha! I wish my dad were that relaxed about "another snake." It's not that he doesn't like them... But he always gets so stressed out when I bring something home. (And I don't even live with him right now!) I'm dreading telling him about the latest ones. "Oh.. Yeah.. Dad? You know how my roommate got those neat Kisatchie corn snakes awhile back? Yeeeaaah. Well, she gave them to me."

Avics are SO pretty. Would love to have one someday. That and a Brachypelma auratum...

In the meantime, I'm content with my little G. pulchripes (Chaco golden knee). :)
I'm so glad I finally told him. It was getting too hard to keep it a secret, especially with that heat lamp. He could just stick his head in my room and see it, surprised he didn't find out sooner! Lol

And more pictures of her will be up soon, Tavia! I just fed her so I'm letting her settle, but then the camera will be out!

OH! And it seems my spider hobby will be starting quicker than expected! My dad just not 10 minutes ago gave me permission to bring him the Pink Toe we have at the store I work at! He's such a good sport these days! He just found out I've been lying to him for months, but he's letting me bring home another animal! LOL

I won't be bringing home the A.Versicolor though. The one at the store is A.Avicularia, which I am fine with! It's such a neat little spider that I've spent the last few weeks getting very attached to and I'm super excited to add to my collection xD