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snakey experience and wishlist


New member
Okay -

Here's a little background on my snake keeping.

1. Started with a sunglow corn - thought it was boring.

2. Went to a BCI or 3, much more boring for me, made me miss my corn.

3. Sold 2 BCI's and traded 1 for a Grey banded Kingsnake. This I like too much, not getting rid of this one.

Then the other day I saw a White Lipped Tree viper and thought, ooo I like that very much. Then after some time being honest with myself I admitted that I'm not ready for a hot just yet and decided to make up a list of what I want now, and in future, so here it is.

1. Ball Python. Picking it up on Sunday
2. Bloodred corn.
3. Florida King, blotched
4. Blood Python (not 100% sure about this one yet)
5. Amazon Tree Boa, Garden phase
6. Western hognose
7. Last but not least, that white lipped tree viper.

I found that my collection has never really taken off and my interest hasn't been that high because I've never kept the species that really interest me. True for snakes and spiders. Making this list has given me a goal to aim for and made me a little more enthusiastic about keeping again.

Have any of you found that you go into a species not really wanting it or going for a specific morph because you can't afford the one you want. Then a week later wishing you had gone for the different morph or species and ending up not really 100% happy with your collection.

My collection is only going to start growing properly now because I had to get my doo doo in order so to speak, and it took me a long time to learn about the species I like and those I don't care too much for. A lot of people go from no snakes to 20 or more in a year, don't know how you guys do it. It's been over 3 years for me and I've never had more than 3 snakes at once.

At the moment I have one going on 2, and only now do I know what I want and where I want my collection to be. Time to start ticking things off, no matter how long it takes.
Lol if you thought your BCIs were boring the ball python is going to be 100 x worse. They don't move. At all. Mine hides all day, sometimes he'll move at night. And if I get him out he sits still for at least half an hour until he starts moving. And even then it's only to try to find another place to hide...
Amazon tree boa is on my list also, but not for a while since I will have to build another arboreal setup.
And yes, I have had experience with getting a different morph because the one I wanted was to much. I really want one of those tequila sunrises from colorado corns, but I am 100% happy with my lavender I got instead. Next time I will have the money for a ts. Also on my list for wanted corns - a ghost stripe, a tessera of some sort, and the ever so lovely palmetto.
Lol if you thought your BCIs were boring the ball python is going to be 100 x worse. They don't move. At all. Mine hides all day, sometimes he'll move at night. And if I get him out he sits still for at least half an hour until he starts moving. And even then it's only to try to find another place to hide...
Amazon tree boa is on my list also, but not for a while since I will have to build another arboreal setup.

ha ha - I know this. But the BCI's just did nothing for me. I always loved the balls though. As a matter of fact I got my first BCI because I couldn't afford a ball at the time. Maybe I always resented them because they weren't Ball Pythons (what I really actually wanted the whole time).
Haha, well if you like them then definitely get one :) I love my ball, I just wish he was more active. What type of ball are you getting? I love the pieds and bees myself but they're quite far out of my price range.
Just a normal. I like the morphs also, but you should see the price differences here. Apart from that some of the ball morphs are just too out there for me, like the pied.

They cost a fortune and I wouldn't want one if I had the cash. I like a normal ball. It's one snake I wish they'd stop messing around with so much. Corns on the other hand somehow look natural throughout all the different morphs, but that's another debate altogether. That being said though, a Black Eyed Leucistic would be nice. But as an addition to a normal, not in place of it.

P.S - that palmetto corn freaks me out. Not a fan.lol
My boy is a normal and I love him to death :)
Well, good luck with your new snake! Hope you enjoy him :)

Haha, I LOVE white snakes. But red eyes on most snakes freak me out, so the palmettos blue eyes are quite refreshing. not to mention the random flecks of color.