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Snakey Nicknames


Derp snake says hi.
I'm sure we all have nicknames for at least one of our snakes!

I call Loki "Derpy" or variations of the word "Derp". I probably call him that more than I call him Loki.. :laugh:
I call all of mine "monsters" because as 4-month-old shoestrings they're pretty much the opposite of terrifying. I'll append -monster onto their names, so I get Targan-monster, etc.

I call my little granite male "graysnake" because, well, he is.

My little hypo lavender female got bitten by my caramel female once when I was putting them both back into their cages after feeding (caramel has quite the feeding response and apparently smelled mouse on her), and since then she's been jumpy. I call her the PTSD snake.

And not so much a name but our own meme, our little caramel is prone to pooping on us, no matter how careful we are. I dun think she's ever actually pooped in her tank. So now we say of her: "Praline poops on everything you love."
I have some that have nicknames. Choco the Cali king is called Chocolee or Chocoleecola. Krinkles is called Krinkler. Noah the BOA is called Noee.
Mudbug is called "Muddy".. Sunshine "Sunny"... The one attached to my finger... @$#$ or some other descriptive adjective. Smokey "okey"..Mongo is Mongo the Monginator. Thats all I can think of for now.
Some of mine have, if not really nicknames, a way to write it faster for keeping records.
Prometheus- Prommy
Harlequin- Harley
Ariadne- Ari

I kinda like short names, "Zap" doesn't need the shorthand!
The one attached to my finger... @$#$ or some other descriptive adjective

thanks for the laugh! i really needed it after today lol. mine don't really have "nicknames" yet, but i shorten their names...Kiyohime is alot to say, so i just call her "kiyo"...Omnom (or Orochi) is easier...but i just say Omnom lol
Sienna is called "Dora the Explorer" because she never sits still when you hold her but always seem to be thinking, "What's over there? What's that way?"

Mango is called "The Poop Machine" because, well....

Firefly is called "Dew drop." When we first got her, we didn't have a name yet. One day, she pooped on my one day. My husband said, "We should call her Dew drop...'cuz she do drop...." Ugh...
I reserve the use of nicknames for my beloved Diamond Lil. She's Lil, Lily, my baby, my lovely girl. It's embarrassing just how much I love her!
Willow is definitely "Rattlesnake." Siri typically gets referred to "that crazy redhead." The dragons have their own host of nicknames; Kallie's varies depending on whether myself or my partner are referring to her (she HATES him). Ramsay's typically have to do with him being a walking stomach, and Tyrion is "baby boy" or "tough guy" when he puffs himself up.

In a related note, I typically get called an "unwashed barbarian" by my vegan boyfriend for my love of all things bacon.
I usually call Amun-Ra "Monster Boy." He is also commonly referred to as "the Woma." I'm still getting used to him having an actual name. LOL.

Shruikan, whose mission in life seems to be to try to eat anything that moves (especially people--she's quite literally a little purple people eater!), is often referred to as "evil thing" or "you jerk," or some variation on those.

Then there's the interchangeable "baby boy/girl," "sweet thing," "big boy," "little thing/lady," etc that I use for everyone (dogs included).
I call Estelle Stel, Snakeling, Stelli, Baby-Stel, little girl, etc. I don't really have any nicknames for my little Ari yet, but I've only had him for a week! Sometimes "Ar".
I'm sure I call them all some sort of babytalk nickname, but the only one that comes immediately to mind is that I often call Juju "Spazzo". :laugh:
Rufus is RooRoo, Seven the black rat is M.C. pee pants, Kate is Kate monster, Our red tail boa Alice also goes by Derpy, Big Dumerils is all nicknames because no real name sticks, we call him big guy, studley, stud muffin or just handsome... and I'm going to call him turd right now as he is currently pouring out his entire water bowl.....