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Sneeze or Hiss??


New member
Hi guys,

Me and my corn are getting on great and it's almost been a year now (how time flys). She is probably nearly 3 feet long and just shy of a year old.

There is one thing that confuses me. Now and then she makes this noise wich looks / sounds like a sneeze, but it could be a hiss. It doesnt sound like a hiss because its very very short but I could be wrong.

Also when do snakes usually hiss? Because she seems to do it at the most random times, just when shes going around her viv and also she did it last night as I was getting her out to handle her - she crawled onto my hand then up my arm and kinda sneezed halfway up, then carried on as normal.

Could it be a sneeze?
I think it's a Hiss, after readin some past posts on here. It's like a quick burst of air or a kind of spit.

It's wierd and she does it at random times, she never bites me or gets very aggressive. She is quite timid and skitish though so could explain it. I think I need to start handling her more to get her to chill out - her skittyness annoys me sometimes as she has nothing to worrk about as i'm always very delicate with her.
I've got a little one who has done that since day one. She is quite skittish and will 'hiss' when picked up occasionally...or when she is in a bad mood (shes a very defensive little thing)...I don't think its a particularly common thing for corns to do...but a lot of them do it. My other corn has never done it and (working in a reptile shop) I don't tend to hear it very often there....it just one of those things I think.
She did it again tonight whilst I was handling her. Not when I picked her up or when putting her away but when she was calmly climbing around inside my t-shirt. Strange time to do it.
It does sound strange...but I wouldnt worry about it to be honest. As long as she is eating, shedding, pooping and isnt making any 'squeeky'/'wheezy' noises etc which could be a possible sign of RI I wouldnt panic. Hope that helps.
She eats / sheds and poops fine. I amgetting paranoid about RI now because she is around 10 months old and 3 feet long but still in her starter cage, I have ordered a new viv which will be better for her.

At what age/size should they be put into a new viv?
I put mines into a larger contico at around 8months I think...then into his 3ft wooden viv at around at around a year old....he was around 3ft then. Hes in a 36" by 18" by...something or other...its a bit late and I cant recall.
Reptile shop I got her said after 9 months to get her a bigger viv.

I just havn't been able to afford it. She is 10 months now and will have her new viv in the next few weeks.
You can buy very cheap plastic tubs from convenience stores to fit your snake, I think it is a good idea to get one soon.

Many of my snakes (adults only) push out air frequently when handled, I think it is slight stress/exitement from being handled.