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Snow and a Creamsicle?


New member
At the store I work with, we have a snow corn and a creamsicle corn. They were brought in together, but the owner didn't have them very long and never had them sexed. We have them together in a tank (though I HATE that) and I'm thinking they may have done the nasty (The snow hasn't been eating for a few weeks, they're entangled together all the time, I'm thinking they like each other lol).

Now, to my actual question..

If those two were to make some babies, what morph would come from them? I'm not too great with morphs yet, so I'm at a loss as to what could...

I feel like such a newb for asking...
In case you aren't already aware, Creamsicles are hybrids. They're Amelanistic Emory's rat snake x Corn snake hybrids.

Since a Creamsicle is Amelanistic and a Snow is AmelxAnery, they would produce 100% Amels, possibly snows if the Creamsicle is het Anery, and all of them would be EmoryxCorn hybrids.

Hope that helps! :)
Lol thanks! I knew they were part rat snakes, my sister has one and she was super surprised to learn her baby was a "mut" snake.

And thanks! That does help! They're both gorgeous snakes and I want whatever baby they might be making lol
They may also both be males and fighting. Please separate them.

I would love to separate them, whoever, my boss won't let us and I'm not going to cross him over that, when I have already told him cohabbing isn't a good idea. If something happens to them and he loses that money, then maybe he'll learn.
Maybe if you mention the hunger strike and that stress can kill 'em he'll be willing to separate them. Especially if you mention that he'll be losing out on a sale if the one starts becoming ill.