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So much blueness!


New member
Just fed the 4 Anery babies, and 3 of the 4 are in one stage of blue or another! I just find it strange. When the arrived on Oct 31st, Alice was already in blue, and shed on Nov 4th. Ralph shed on the 18th, Ed on the 27th, and Trixie shed on 30th (all Nov). None shed since, until now, and except for Ralph, all are blue.

Is this just one of those weird coincidences, or do snakes sync up their cycles when in close proximity?

And an update on their progress:

Alice (refused today): 25g (but looked like she needed a good poop)
Trixie: 21g
Ralph: 19g
Ed (the runt of the group): catching up at a solid 15g

Happy happy!
I think it's coincidence. Once you have a certain number of snakes, some are bound to be in blue at the same time. There was a thread about this- someone figured out the odds. Glad to hear they are growing well!
Yeah, I figured that with 6 now, at any given moment someone's going to be either about to, or just shed. It just seemed odd that 3 of the 4 down there are doing it at the same time.

<knocking vigorously on my wooden noggin> very happy that these 4 all seem healthy and are thriving. <ouch! I should stop now...>
I've seen the same thing with mine. Its just like women. Get them together, and soon enough they will be on the same cycle. :p