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so thankful


New member
I'm so thankful that I found this site, and thankful for those knowledgeable people that contribute here.

When I made my purchase and bought "everything I would need" - I was advised by the petstore to just get a UTH a hide and a water dish. Well it was early on I learned the importance of a cool and hot hide, so that was quickly rectified.

However, it was only after reading through these forums and absorbing as much as possible that I learned the dangers of unregulated UTH. I checked and it only "felt warm" ...

Well after reading a string on a deceased king here - I felt it was a good time to run to Wal-Mart for a rheostat and a thermometer.

I got back plugged up the digital thermometer and put the probe on the cool side - 79 degrees F. Hrmm that was odd - considering my home is 75 (also per the digital thermometer) So I check the hot side under the hide - which is never used. 104 degrees F!!!! ... Did I mention how thankful I am to this site???

Anyway I am cooling it off now with the rheo and will continue to adjust until optimal. I am guessing the warm cool side was due to the excessive heat of the hot ...

Thanks to this site and all who contribute - I am sure you have saved Sappho's life.
It can be quite intimidating and confusing with all of the information out there.

I have read a very reputable breeder state that it is OK to use an unregulated UTH. They use the depth of the aspen as a rheostat to control the temperature in the warm side hide.

I have also read that controlling a UTH with at least a rheostat is the only safe thing to do. I will go on to say this is what the vast majority or herp keeper’s state is the correct procedure to follow.

I feel the internet is a double edged sword. There is a wealth of good information out there just waiting to be found...but there is also a lot misinformation out there as well.

I did the same thing but my temp was 120. I learned, we all do. I think in big letters on the home page though there should be a banner saying, REGULATE YOUR UTH NOW!!!!!
Don't feel bad, just make sure you adjust it. Again, how could you have known if you are knew to it all. I can empathize with you on this one.
I have managed with the rheostat to get the temp on the hotside to stay at 184.9 so that is good. I have noticed she is much more active and now does more than just sit in her cool side hide.

Of course could be that she is just finally comfortable enough to explore - but I like to think she is happy ... that I have made her happy. To my delight when I woke up this morning she was peaking her head out of the hotside hide - hooray it finally gets used.
Jayque said:
I have managed with the rheostat to get the temp on the hotside to stay at 184.9 so that is good. I have noticed she is much more active and now does more than just sit in her cool side hide.

Of course could be that she is just finally comfortable enough to explore - but I like to think she is happy ... that I have made her happy. To my delight when I woke up this morning she was peaking her head out of the hotside hide - hooray it finally gets used.

PLEASE GOD TELL ME THAT WAS A MISSTYPE! If it wasnt get your snake out of there right now, it should max be 85 and thats still a little hot!