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Some eating pics!!


New member
My beautiful Opal stripe Aphrodite

Beautiful Avalon


My opal male Falcor

Do you have any pictures of Mariposa as a hatchling? I'm curious because I expect that might be what my hatchling will turn out to look like.
xen, she's just a year so she fairly much look like when she was a baby.
here she is as a baby baby.. she is het lavender which I think may play into her color..

Thank you Heather, I do love them.. little hungry brats!
I'm curious, because my little one seems to have a lot of white on her. Though, I think I can see that reddish pink like the baby picture there shows. I got her from a Petco so I have -no- idea on possible genes or even her actual age. and I haven't had a chance to weigh her yet. though I suspect she's closing in on 15g since pinkies only make the slightest bumps in her belly.