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Some more macro shots


New member
This may not be as exciting as the viper but I just don't run across vipers every day so this is all I have. If anyone has any suggestions on making these pics more appealing, please let me know. I print and frame these pics for a school in Costa Rica to get the kids interested in their environment. These are gifts, I don't charge anything. It is a very poor community and I try and help out when I can. We really have it made here in the states, more or less.

I hope none of these are reposted from before but I can't be sure and I am too lazy to check.




This guy is like 4 inches long




These last ones are just me playing around. Can you guess what they are? None of these pics are photoshoped. These come direct from the camera.




Wow! What are you using to take those dragonfly shots! I have been able to creep to within a few inches of a dragonfly, but have certainly never been able to get that kind of detail out of the macro setting on my camera. But I would love to!
Those pictures are AMAZING!!! If it didn't cost me an arm and a leg, I would love to get a macro lens as good as that one.
wow, those really are some beautiful photos! you have got an eye for it, that's for sure.

may i ask what camera/macro lens you're using?
Those insect shots are amazing. I never knew dragonflies had such hairy faces! And I love the little jumping spider. They are actually the only kind of spider that doesn't give me the heebie-jeebies!

I love what you are doing for the kids in Costa Rico. That is awesome, and what a great idea. I teach at a school with lots of city kids, gangs, low-income, and Latino immigrants. I am amazed at how little my kids know of the natural world (I teach science). I may have to put up similar photos to interest them!
Just found this thread looking at the WIR. These shots are awesome! Do you have a website or sell prints in the US?
Just found this thread looking at the WIR. These shots are awesome! Do you have a website or sell prints in the US?

I just take pics because I enjoy taking them. I have turned other things in my life that I loved into work. I want to keep this hobby a hobby. If you really want a picture, I can send them to you for free. Thanks for the complement.

I'd like to know what lens you're using. These are some fantastic macros!

I use a Canon EF 100mm 2.8 L IS USM lens now but most of these pics were taken with a non "L" series lens. I have said before that similar results can be achieved with extension tubes at a fraction of the cost. Thank you for the kind words it really keeps me motivated to take more.
That second bubbly-shot (kinda muted green and red) reminds me of a planet with like a zillion moons. Long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Thanks for the info and the tip! *off to google "extension tube"*

Extension tubes are a set of rings that fit your camera and move your lens further away from the camera. This greatly decreases the minimum focusing distance, and allows you to turn a telephoto lens into a deep macro...