Just been playing with the 100 mm macro lens, i find it hard to get the entire animal sharp in the picture while maintaining it's true colors and contrasts..
Anyone got any idea?
- Fire motley
- Granite het. hypo,charcoal
- Hypo bloodred
- Anery motley-striped het. lavender
- Bloodred het. lavender
- Ghost bloodred (3x)
- Ghost het. bloodred, motley
- Hypo bloodred (2x)
- Pied-sided (?) bloodred (3x)
Anyone got any idea?
- Fire motley
- Granite het. hypo,charcoal
- Hypo bloodred
- Anery motley-striped het. lavender
- Bloodred het. lavender
- Ghost bloodred (3x)
- Ghost het. bloodred, motley
- Hypo bloodred (2x)
- Pied-sided (?) bloodred (3x)