That is about the only snake we would think of breeding...but we don't currently have a male. We would like to find a nice low white guy in the next year but we shall see.
One of the things we like about them is that the babies are always so variable. You could have a no-white male, bred with her, and get everything from high white to no white in the litter. It makes hatching day really fun!
The other nice thing with ball pythons is that they tend to keep a little more value than corns, especially the cooler morphs like pied. We paid $1300 for her, and they have dropped to about $600 in the intervening years, but if they follow the trend of the albinos, they will likely stay around $400 a piece for nice specimens.
To us, a person willing to pay $400 for a snake (or even $200) is a lot less likely to be making an impulse decision than someone who pays $25 for a normal at a show. It's very important to us that we find good homes for any animal we produce. Call us crazy, but we feel very strongly about that.
Oh, MAN! I'd kill for that Pied BP, the Hogg Island, and the Dumerils boa..
The Dumeril's is one of my favorites, but she was acting a bit sassy last night. I had filled her water earlier in the day, and she was lying in the substrate with just her head sticking out. She launched herself out of the cage and hit the water jug, knocking water onto the floor. I had to get the hook out to wrangle her out of the cage, because she was biting everything in sight!! I think it may be time to step her up to small rats. Usually she is a very sweet, calm, docile snake, but it's been 9 days since she ate (we feed the boids every 10-14 days or so) and the rat pups clearly aren't holding her over!