I'm toying with the idea of offering special sales to the contributors on this site, and am kicking around ideas of how best to implement it. I guess I could set up a separate forum to show the offerings, or just post them in the Insider's Forum. Not sure what would be best. But I would also need a way to verify that ONLY contributors were taking part in the specials. Perhaps requiring the member name here would work. And the email address would have to match as well, I guess.
But I'm thinking this would be a great way to thank people for being contributors on this site, and perhaps stimulate more to join in.
Any ideas? I only think about this while I am taking care of the baby snakes when my mind can wander a bit.....
But I'm thinking this would be a great way to thank people for being contributors on this site, and perhaps stimulate more to join in.
Any ideas? I only think about this while I am taking care of the baby snakes when my mind can wander a bit.....