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Spotted Pythons?


New member
Hi everybody!

Here's the scoop, I've sorta started getting a reputation for being the "crazy snake girl" everyone knows I'm whacky about snakes. Friend of mine got a hold of me today. Someone she knows has a spotted python that she is wanting to get rid of. I guess she's about three years old and has a NASTY temperment.

This doesn't seem to be typical from what I've read, anyone have experience with these guys? Anything in particular I should be aware of?

I keep a male Children's Python, very similar to spotted. They stay small, need slightly more heat and slightly more humidity than corns, but eat the same size prey and otherwise care is identical. Mine has an incredibly aggressive feeding response and is aggressive in cage, but is okay once you get him out.

Actually, the EXACT same thing happened to me. I love Thanagar! He's the size of a small corn, and keeps about the same. Fed a bit less, for extra laziness. They also poop a lot less than my corns, so yeay for that.

He was a bit bittey when I got him, and calmed down. Just don't be stupid about their feeding responses and you'll probably be fine. I mean, he does have a wicked feeding response, but typically if you get bit due to that it's because you let your guard down. And the bites really aren't even that bad.

If you have room for it, give him a shot. Totally underrated and so pretty!

I think they are totally cool looking and I'm defenitely going to take her in if it works out :)

Various - that pic, he must have just shed??? that iridescence in that picture is so cool.

Neat! Well I hope it works out and I can give this little girl a home (well I was told it's female, I'm not sure if she's been probed)

How bad is their bite? I don't think she's been handled much, she has a reputation for being nasty, so I'm thinking gloves might be in order at first.
Not bad at all. Wear a glove while you get to know her & what might set her off, there will be no problems.
I have a pair of Spotted Pythons, they are yearlings now. Of the original clutch of 10, 4 are little puppies, the other 6 were spawned by Satan himself.
Luckily my pair are 2 of the puppies.

