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Spring Breeding, Summer babies...


Divalicious Member
From what I've read on this forum, it seems like pretty much everybody here keeps with the normal pattern of brumate in winter, breed in spring, babies arrive in summer. I'm wondering, since our snakes our "indoor" pets, and we control their environments completely if anyone tries a different pattern. for example, brumate in summer, breed in fall, new babies for christmas!

It seems like it would be a simple thing to do. I know it's not the same, but it's what they do with poinsettias (which turn red naturally in February/March, but have become December blooming through faking out mother nature into thinking it's a different month than it actually is).

Does anyone do this? It just seems like (and I'm just guessing here) that a big breeder like Rich would be insanely busy this time of year and not have much to sell after the babies are out the door. Then it's another entire year before you've got anything to sell.

Just curious.
I know there are some local

people here that do that. They sell their babies to a local reptile store just before Christmas. I've not heard of anyone else doing that.
Well when you have as many clutches as Rich does a few of them will probably hatch real late in the season. Anyways, who wants to be as busy as Rich is now, ALL YEAR!:eek: