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Standard poodles


Standard poodle lover
Here's our littermates, standard poodles. Not the foofoo dogs many people may think they are. They are quite athletic, energetic dogs, although the pics show them in a more relaxed mood. They will be around 70 pounds at maturity. They are 6 months old now.


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Lovely! I knew someone with a standard poodle used for rough shooting, he was an excellent retriever out of thick cover or water!
We also have a Standard Poodle. He has an excellent disposition & is quite athletic!! I clip his coat in a standard lamb / one length cut. It's pretty easy to maintain. They're great dogs!
They look great, one of my favorite breeds! I can't stand shedding hair..
One day when I have a yard, I'll have one.. Or a Kerry Blue Terrier. Maybe both, lol.
Thanks everyone. The pics were taken right before they were groomed again. We have them cut in a kennel clip, which is easy to maintain. They are great and very intelligent dogs with very sweet and loving dispositions.
I love SPs. I have two friend "couples" who have them Their only complaints it that they bark a lot. Have you been able to train this behavior out of them? I just find them to be the sweetest breeds.
These two are pretty quiet, but they will bark at unusual noises. A big plus is how easy they were to house break. It took no time at all. They learn very quickly.
I have never had a poodle. I have read that they often come out on top when various breeds have been tested for intelligence. Do they have any health problems particular to the breed? Sounds like they make good watch dogs, although the crooks might not think they look "scary" enough. Of course here in Florida, you just need the dog to alert you to come and shoot the bad guy, lol!
Some can come down with juvenile cateracts and hip dysplasia can be a problem like in many breeds. You're right about them not being very scary looking.
Of course here in Florida, you just need the dog to alert you to come and shoot the bad guy, lol!

LOL! That's funny!

My friend's dog isn't cut. His hair is very long and John brushes him obsessively so he doesn't get matted. However, when the dog comes running at you, he looks like a polar bear! If I were a bad guy, I'd definitely run from that beast.
Beautiful dogs!!

Man, I worked at a show kennel in the summer of 2000, had to wash and blow dry Standards with only partial cuts; it took hours--my arms got worn out (I have Pekes--lots of hair too, but just a lot less...)! I do love the Standards, though, and I'm always impressed by how the handlers/owners keep the coats in show trim so *perfectly*, no matter which size poodle, but the Standards are just gorgeous to watch going around the ring!
OH MY GOSH! I actually started to tear up when I saw your pics.

I grew up with standard poodles. The first one we got was when I was 5 years old, she was 7 weeks old. Being that age I was SURE they got her for me and only me. She slept with me every night, on my pillow, under my covers. I was so bad at that age that my little sister would occasionally want to crawl in bed with me, and I would make her sleep at the end of the bed because Nicole was sleeping next to me. She slept in that spot for the next 14 years, until I was 19 and she had a stroke and we had to have her put to sleep. I literally grew up with her.

If ever there was a dog who showed emotion it was her. Everytime she'd get her hair cut and I came home from school, she'd walk up to me slowly until I told her was a pretty girl she was and then she'd get all excited.
We always just did the "kennel clip" on our poodles(we had 3 standards in all). We couldn't be bothered with the "show" clips.

Thanks so much for showing your beautiful babies. It sure did bring back memories for me!
I just had to add something about them being a "noisy dog". The only time our dogs barked was when someone came to the door. As soon as that person came in (some friends just walked in without us opening the door) the dogs would be quiet. We always felt as long as the person gave Nicole a pet and called her a good girl they could have robbed us blind. GOTTA LOVE STANDARDS!
These two are much the same way. If they hear something unusual, they will bark, or if someone comes to the door. Other than that, they are pretty quiet.
Here's our standard poodle as a puppy this past winter :) He's a "Cream colored Standard Poodle" we prefer the tiny bit of darker shading on the ears & back that the "cream" color gives vs. a "white" poodle.

The first 2 photos are 8 1/2 weeks, the 3rd photo (on the doggie bed) is around 12 weeks old. The last 2 photos were taken this past March 2008. YES - we still had LOTS of snow in March, lol... He was a few months old there.

Since he only had thin puppy fur (no undercoat), we were very careful to not let him get a chill while playing outdoors. But he really enjoyed playing outside in the snow!! Depending on the temperature & wind, we let him play outside between 15min to 45min this past winter.

Boy oh boy - if you get a puppy, buy one in the spring!! I was taking him outside to pee every hour or so in the winter!! They have pretty small bladders when young. But he really enjoyed the snow :) I agree - Standard Poodles are pretty smart. He learned to signal (bark) whenever he had to go out at a young age. And..... learned he could signal to go out even when he DIDN'T really have to go... and I'd still bring him out so he could play... :nyah: smart dog, indeed.


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2 April 2008 photos :) on our couch!! Yes - our dogs are allowed to sit on the couch :) We keep their paws clean whenever they get muddy & I don't see any reason to make them stay on the floor.

We have our couch, they have theirs, lol.


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Very pretty dogs. My neighbor has a black standard and she is a sweety. I wouldn't mind having one someday but hubby can't get past the idea that poodles are little sissy dogs.