They're all individuals
My little ghost will only eat if I let her sit perched on the edge of the feeding box, she doen't like sitting on the paper towel, I thought she was trying to run away with her food at first but every time she gets her self arranged on the lip, she stops and finishes eating. My little sunglow eats with her nose pointing to the sky and then often does a little 'epileptic' quake when the food's halfway down her throat. My little snow eats anything you put in front of her without stopping to smell it and my little anery almost always takes the mouse but first...that's just my babies!
My big snow is just like his little sister and gobbles anything, anytime. My big anery always carefully inspects the food before eating it and my amel needs total privacy in the feeding box with the lid on and noone around. I haven't fed my new girl yet cos she's blue but I hear she's really aggressive and coils every time (on F/T).
I think it's a matter of getting to know your snakes as individuals just like a cat or a dog or a horse...or a person. The all have their little quirks and that's half the fun of keeping them. Good luck with your snake-ums,