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Star pattern on day 69


New member
I have a clutch that is on day 69 and last night the eggs were smooth and this morning I checked and there are little raised "starburst" patterns on them. I searched and found others with similar patterns, but they seem to have been layed that way. Of course I'm now worrying that it was made from the egg tooth and the poor little buggers are trapped in a too thick egg.

This clutch does have rough light brownish stuff on the shells and they do seem thicker than my other smooth white clutches. Should I intervene or leave them alone? Just am panicking that they will suffocate in the eggs because they can't escape!

Thanks so much!

P.S. I incubater at 78 and slowly increased the temp every week or so and now they are at 82 degrees.
i had a clutch this year that seemed perfectly smooth until a few days before pipping when they got kind of weird patterned. i think it's because as they develop they use some of the calcium from the shell (though mostly from the yolk). i also had some with very raised knobbies on the eggs that seemed like the shells were especially tough, but the babies had no issues hatching. so hold on, and hopefully get some pippies soon!

I hadn't heard of the "stars" appearing late. I thought they always hatched with them so all I could picture was a little snake ramming it's egg tooth in the side of the egg and making those little outward dents. I feel better now and will not mess with them. I will continue to impatiently check them 3 times a day though! :)
Not to worry. Your babies are absorbing calcium from the shells, and the denser places remain as the starbursts you are seeing now. Egg teeth are very sharp, and don't make dents; they slice. You may also notice the shells look less white in the days approaching pip-day. This is also caused by the babies' calcium needs being met by that from the egg shells. Again, take it as a good sign when it happens. You're getting close!
Yee-haw! Thanks for the encouragement! I need it. I could have sworn I saw a slice on an egg, but it was a little piece of moss. So dissapointing! LOL. Must be patient, must be patient!
Good luck! I know the feeling of waiting. I'm on day 52 at steady temps of 81-82 degrees...I hope they don't take as long as yr are! It's so hard to be patient!
Just wait until they actually start pipping. If someone was here to tell me to go get hot water just so I would have something to do I probably would have.
What's the average day/time frame for baby corn snake eggs to hatch staying at temps of 81-82 degrees in the incubator? I know the waiting can get so unbareable sometimes!
I tried to keep mine close to 82-ish, they started pipping the morning of day 65, the first baby didn't emerge until the next day (day 66). 6 hatched the day after pipping began, 5 hatched the next day(day 67), 6 hatched today(day 68), & one still han't pipped. I expect it should pip overnight.
:( day 75....still nothing. One egg has a darkish "window" that appeared yesterday. Other than that no change, no denting...nothing. How would I know if they were drowned or dead? Just wait for them to rot? How long would that take? I know I still have time and I'm trying to be patient, but just in case...how does one know when they are D.I.E? I did candle them a few weeks ago and saw veins, so I'm hoping all is well!
hm 75 days at 82 degrees does sound a bit long...they could just be slow, but mine were about that temp and have all hatched by day 65. i'm not sure this late in incubation, but you could try candling them again and looking for movement. Of course NOT seeing movement doesn't mean they're not ok. I haven't incubated a ton of clutches, so we'll see what the more experienced say, but if you're sure they've been incubating at those temps for that long, I would probably start to contemplate cutting one in another week or something if nothing's happened. Have you noticed any mold growing, or anything else that might indicate the eggs being bad?
Some of the eggs rotted partway through incubation and the others seem uneffected at the moment. I started incubation at 78 degrees and then about halfway through incubation I slowly increased the temps to 82.

The one egg with the dark "window" is dented in slightly this morning. So it's either going to hatch soon or it's dead/dying. :( Hoping the eggs are okay. I had so many slugs this year and not many viable eggs, then some rotted and now this. Oh well, I'm sure I will learn something from all this.
It's probably going to be alright. Good luck, and don't give up on em yet. It takes a lot of patience with all the waiting around but try net to worry and hang in there.
I can't help but worry. :( The one that is dented is turning a slight beige/gray color. That doesn't sound good to me. I'm trying to search and see some nasty eggs that have produced babies for encouragement! LOL.

Nothing much more I can do but sit and wait. And wait...and wait...and wait. Oh! And post on here and read posts and try to stay positive! :)

Thanks for the encouragement wildlifephotographer!
Pippy on day 78!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOO!

YEAH! Thank you to everyone who said not to give up!
I also searched "moldy eggs" and found some really nasty eggs that hatched out just fine, so felt much better about mine. This morning I went to check without any expectations and the egg on the top of the clutch which I hadn't even counted as being possibly fertile was pipping! :dancer:

A cute little albino het lavender nose peeking right out at me. I will try to get some pictures later and start a new thread. Again, just wanted to say thank you to all that gave me encouragement!