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Starting to pip


Love those snakes!!!!
Question...my babies are starting to pip...how long does it usually take for them to come out...also should I help them at any point????
rolph1414 said:
Question...my babies are starting to pip...how long does it usually take for them to come out...also should I help them at any point????

Im sure some more experienced folks will chime in soon but I just hatched my first clutch not to long ago... they took anywhere from a few hours (each) to a few days (each) to come out of their eggs...

Some of them just seem that once their head was out they couldn't wait to get out of that egg but then there were some that just wanted to hang out in the shell and they eventually desided to wonder out in their own time...

as far as helping them, I dont feel comfortable giving advise on that because with mine I didn't have to help them along and I wouldn't know exactly what to tell you to do.

although, there was one that had pipped and had been hanging out in the shell for almost 24 hours, I felt that it may need a bit of help so i took scissors and made the pipping whole a bit larger just so I could see if the hatchling looked ok... it looked fine so I left it alone to come out on it's on...

I did that at around 10 pm and when I went to check on him in the a.m. he had made his way out and was coiled up in the corner...

hopefully this helps until someone with more experience can post...
Once they have pipped themselves you're best to just leave them to it.

As mentioned above, they all vary. Anything from a few hours to a few days. If it's just sitting there with it's head/nose poking out then chances are it's absorbing the last of the yolk sac before coming out.

My longest this year took about 4 days and when he did finally come out he was the fattest hatchling I've ever seen. :)