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Sterio feeding


New member
here is my 2 amels feeding together ..the one wanted to steal the other's pinkey..but then found her own


  • cstealpink.jpg
    9.9 KB · Views: 195
nice snake's, Iv'e just got an amel about a month ago, but isn't it a bit risky feeding together.
Yeah I was thinking that too...those cannibalism pics on Clint Boyer's site really scared me about feeding snakes together....even though I only have one right now I don't think I'll ever feed 2 in the same place. Please be careful!
That is exactly how cannibalism happens. If the owner feeds them together and just leave them there to feed, cannibalism happens. One eats one end of the pinky and the other eats the other end, then finally......one snake gets eatten by the other.

If you feed them in the same enclosure, just make sure that you supervise them.

Good Luck and Happy Herping!
yip it is scary

very scary those pics on clints site.....and that is why i ALWAYS supervise the snakes feedings...i am sortof perfectionisic about that ...i measure the time to see how long before they actually start eating and what sixe prey they eat ect ect...i have a huge database with all these things in and which warns me if a snake has eaten too long ago...
Anyway i have kept my 3 amels together from birth ...but one seems to be getting very agressive especially just after the first pinkey ...it is as if can smell the mouse on the others breath and it then does "the rub up to open mouth " thing....and then i have to take them apart ...so i need definately to start splitting them ....but then again i have a mature corn and a yellow rat in the same cage and they liive in perfect harmony ....so i guess in the end it comes down to the personality...and trust me snakes has DEFINATELY got personality.....
i have seen the feedign from both sides

it has happened to me once that bot started to feed on the pinkey ...each from a different end...i left it to see what would happen ...but they coiled each other , and i split them before they hurt each other ..needless to say these are already in seperate cages....but i must say it looks seriously weird when the 2 snakes eats one pinkey :eek:
Please feed them separately. Even if you are supervising them, one second of distraction could result in something disastrous. It's not any trouble to feed them in different places or even one after another.