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Still No Luck...Getting Depressed


New member
Hello All... this is my second year trying to breed now, and I seem to have no luck. Last year, I didn;t go about it right, and I witnessed no hook ups after several attempts. This year, I had the two snakes separated for about 6 weeks until my female shed. Once she shed, I introduced the male into her tank. He went for it right away, and he has kept after her for more than 2 days now. I have seen no yellow stains, and I have witnessed no hook ups. I am pretty bummed because they are gorgeous and would surely have lovely pippies. If anyone has any advice, please help me out. If not, I may just officially give up and enjoy my two pets...

Thanks, in advance, for any advice you feel compelled to share with me.

You have to be patient. I've had many females not be receptive to the males advances until after even another shed or two. If the male is very actively courting the female, they may yet hook up. She just isn't quite ready yet. Do you have another male you can use? On rare occasions, a female simply will not let one particular male mate with her, but will allow another one if given the choice. Remove the male from her tank and re-introduce them in a couple of days.

And if it's any consolation, I have a pair that showed some serious courtship behavior in January, but I never saw any evidence of mating, then they stopped, I continued putting them together every few days, he started courting her a little around mid-February, but no mating, and nothing more since.
It's also possible that they've mated and just left no "sign" after the fact. That does happen, according the experienced folks here. I'd follow Susan's advice, but I'd also keep my fingers crossed for you that things have already gone better than you think.

BTW - you are SURE the snakes are male and female? Please don't take that as an insult. It's just that mistakes in sexing do happen.
I don't have any valuable advice, but wanted to say I know how you feel, and it sucks. I have put my one and only pair together many times since her 1st shed and so far, nada! However, many experienced breeders have told me my female may be interested a shed or 2 later. Mine are both virgins, what about yours? Maybe they still need time. Good luck and don't give up yet!!
I have a stripe pair I have put together several times since they came out of brumation in February. I thought they hooked up and she went into her second shed post brumation and I felt no eggs...put them together again and again they appeared to hook up. I am not sure why it never took the first time, but it is being one of those years across the board. I have a few non-corns that have not even been in the mood yet. This has been one of the strangest years I have personally experienced since I have been breeding.
I have kept them in the same tank for a while now. I have not witnessed any hook ups first hand, but I have noticed two things. My female has gone to the bathroom A LOT! Also, this morning I woke up and I found that there appeared to be some white stuff on the paper towels on the bottom of the cage. I do not think that it is sperm though, because it has begun to dry out and the white has appeared to be granular. I have just never had my snake poo without any black stuff coming out so I am a bit confused.

Also, because both of my snakes are Leucistic rat snakes they are both white. My female has been changing color lately. She has begun to turn pink, almost as if she is flushed or something. I do not know if this is a hormonal thing, or if she is just a wierdo. Any ideas as to what may be going on???

I did not realize that these were Leucie's. I have a trio of these and they do not seem to behave anything like Corn Snakes.
I have never had any evidence of a hook up from these. There have been babies so something is working, but again no tell tale signs.
It is the same way with the king snakes. Half the time there I see no evidence of a mating but I have seen them hooked up for literally hours at a time...they take forever.
As for the pink flushing, could be hormonal...I have seen color changes in some corns when the time is right. Hope this helps.

Eggs dropped! I posted it all i another thread called "Please Help My Eggs!!". Crazy story and I am experiencing mixed emotions. I am hopeful that out of the 12 eggs, some are viable. I have my fingers crossed.
