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Still Striking....


New member
I posted ages ago that Jynx was striking at me and i was getting too nervous to pick him up..

Anyway, since then i have found he is at his calmest when he's in shed and i find it a lot easier to pick him up during this time.

But every other time he's always really aggressive. For example, during the day, if i walk past his viv, he will strike at the glass when i walk past. If i stand in front of his viv to see if he's ok, he will climb the glass so he's at eye level with me and then if i move he will (very very quickly) follow me and strike at the glass.

The temp's are right, the room is quiet, he is fed mice appropriate for his size... everything is right, he has two hides, etc.

I pick him up when i feel comfortable to do so now because he is so aggressive, if i picked him up when he was like i mentioned above then i doubt i would have much skin left on my hands! :sidestep:

Has anyone got any advise, not only am i scared of him, its really tiring me out as well, i dread to think how this is making him feel! :eek1:
Sorry I haven't followed your other post but how old/big is the snake?? If it's a hatchling or or so, their bit is not bad as their bark. You could reach in with a closed fist and grasp the snake and/or wear rubber gloves which I hear they don't like the taste of and handle the snake that way. You must get over the fear. The snake has you condition and it should be the other way around.
The snake striking the glass as you walk by is strange... never heard of that but maybe try to handle with rubber glove for a few minutes when he behaves likes that. To recondition him. :shrugs: Just a thought!

Good Luck
I completely agree with lennycorn, check out my thread in the photos section called 'for the scaredy-cats: hatchling bite'. They can't do any real damage to you, in fact if they bite you they can break their teeth so it's much worse for them than it is for you!

Have a handling schedule and stick to it. If you decide on 10 mins a day (apart from when it's just eaten) the that has to be what happens. If it bites you, stikes at you, rattles or poos on you, you have to keep the 10 mins going. Once you've had your first blood-drawing bite it all actually becomes a bit amusing, look at the little cutie trying to act tough! I'm not saying stress it out any more than necessary, but if you want a snake you can handle then it IS necessary. You can't let what is essentially a long tube connected to a couple of pins stress YOU out.

I have a charcoal that was doing the same thing, striking so hard at the viv as I walked past that I could hear him bash his head. In just a week of 10 mins a day come-hell-or-high-water handling he has calmed considerably. He still rears back at the slightest provocation but now looks more afraid than dangerous, and for most of the handling session is very calm. I also have a snow hatchling that was biting me 2 or 3 times I held her (she's responsible for that photo) and has now toned it down to biting me once every 3 or so handlings.

Just keep at it, remember that you are the one in charge, not this jumped-up excuse for a shoelace that you could infact seriously harm/kill very easily if so inclined.

NOT FOR KIDS: will admit here that a shot or two of tequila (no more!) and some chilled out tunes did wonders for my first calm handling of that charcoal :)

Oh and for the record: corns when in shed can't see so well so just because it's acting calm doesn't mean it is. I don't handle mine except for moving for cleaning when they are in blue.
thank you for the advice, he has bitten me once before and i think i found it painful because of the shock of it, not because of the bite. I think because it bled quite a lot as well i might have over exaggerated! I know how you mean about there teeth, i had to get my tweezers out to help my dad get one of Jynx's teeth out of his hand the other day! :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, i have to go away for two weeks, and wont be able to take him with me, so i will have to get the other half to handle him as much as possible.

As for his age, im not sure... between 6 months and a year at a guess.

Thank you for being so kind, i have been so worried about this!
ickle_moose said:
NOT FOR KIDS: will admit here that a shot or two of tequila (no more!) and some chilled out tunes did wonders for my first calm handling of that charcoal :)

:roflmao: I've done the same thing (with vodka). You've even provided the correct dosage, though at times, I have exceeded the recommended. :grin01: